and bent with the chill of the winter's day.
The street was wet of recent snow
and the woman's feet were aged and slow.
She stood at the crossing and waited long alone,
uncared for amid the throng of humans beings who
passed her by nor heeded the glance of her anxious eye.
Down the street with laughter and shout,
Glad in the freedom of "School is out".
Came the boys like a flock of sheep,
bailing the snow piled white and deep.
Past the woman old and gray,
hastened the children on their way.
At last came one of the merry troop,
the gayest laddie of all the group.
He paused beside her and whispered low,
"I'll help you cross if you wish to go".
Her aged hand on his strong young arm,
he guided the trembling feet along;
Proud that his own were firm and strong.
Then back again to his friends he went,
This young heart happy and well content.
"She's somebody's mother, boys, you know,
for all she's aged and poor and slow".
And somebody's mother bowed low her head,
In her home that night and the prayers she said;
"God be kind to the noble boy,
who is somebody's son and pride and joy."
-- Mary Dow Brine
This U.S. Mother's Day weekend is the perfect time to celebrate humanity. Extend a hand, share a smile, say a kind word... to somebody's mother.

What a wonderful post. Oh, how I miss my Mom. Thank you so much.
Happiness and Peace to all.
Lovely. First time to visit your blog. I loved my visit.
thank you for sharing, so kind of you
Oh JoAnne that is the most wonderful poem I have read in a long long time...thank you for sharing it with us on this special weekend. All my ladies have gone and I will remmeber well the things they taught me...they will sustain me as I grow old.
Soft hugs to you...Karla
What a sweet post! I love the Mom pictures as well! :)
Happy Mother's day!
JoAnne, thank you for the beautiful post! I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day :)
Such a beautiful poem, and heartfelt reminder. I sincerely hope your Mother's day was special. Hugs, Mina
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