I want to share the things I love.. with you (and truth is we all pretty much love the same things). I'm simply going to keep choosing and adding items up to the anniversary date.
Today I'm in a kind of white, cream, dreamy mood so let's start with this...

Tucked inside this peat pot (that I've painted antique white) is some yummy vintage lace, crinkled seam binding, pearls, a gorgeous fabric flower with a rhinestone center, a really cool large seeded bead type embellishment and an oh so sweet frozen charlotte.
All you need to do is leave a comment on this post and you'll be entered to win. This giveaway is open to anyone who follows my blog, old or new. If you like you can grab my giveaway button for an extra chance. Feel free to check back to see what else I love to share but you only need to comment ONE time.
I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate each and every one of you. To have such dear friends, though none of us have ever met in person, seems unbelievable.
The inspiration, care and love shared in our blogisphere is very special and I'm so thankful to be a part of it.
I'll choose the winner on my blogiversary, March 28th.
Best of luck!
First, Happy almost 2nd Blog Birthday as I like to call them!
I have enjoyed seeing all your awesome creations!
I would just be so HAPPY to win the little pot with all those goodies..and to think you are going to add more! EEEEK!
Thank you for being so generous and for having a giveaway!
Happy Blogiversery! Wooo-hoooo!
happy blogiversary! count me in please. nice give away-thanks
Happy blog-versary! I have enjoyed your pretty blog. What sweet and wonderful gifts you have put together. I would love a chance.
Happy Blogversary...........and thank you for the opportunity to winning this fabulous prize. x
Let me just say, Happy Blog Anniversary to you...
I would love to be entered in your drawing, would love anything that you create..
I thank you for dropping by my blog post "what a mess". I had such a great time creating the peat pots and will post pics soon.
I will look forward to see what else you will be adding to the already wonderful giveaway.
I am going to put your button on my sidebar as well, anything to help out a wonderful blog friend.
Have a sunshine day.
Congrats to you on your blogiversary :) I would love to win this giveaway it is so special, have a happy week sweetie
Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
PS I am already a follower
Happy early Blogaversary! I would love to be entered and I will post your button too.
Have a lovely day,
Congrat's on 2 years, that's super. Please count in, would love to win. I'm a follower also. Love all your creations. Hugs, Carol Mae
Happy Blogiversary!! Beautiful giveaway.
-Kim :)
Happy Blogging my dear. I guess I need to do somethinglike this, you are certainly an inspiration to me. Oh and please add my name into the pot of winners please. xo
Congrats on your 2 years blogiversary - what a generous giveaway. I would love to be entered in your drawing.
What fun! Happy blogiversary! Has it only been 2 years?!
Happy Blog Celebration.
Lovely give away.
I am a member,long time and have your button.
Good luck to everyone.
Happy 2nd Blogiversary!
I already am a follower:)
Happy Blogaversary! xo
Happy Blogiversary to you JoAnne!
What beautiful giveaway gifts! I've sure enjoyed following your blog and seeing your beautiful creations.
Your button is on my blog.
Happy Blogiversary, dear JoAnne! You are an amazing lady and I'm happy to be called your friend. I will remember your blogiversary because it is also my Melissa's birthday. Celebrate your success, dear lady!
Your button is now visiting my blog!
Happy blogiversery!!!! I love your blog!
Happy blogiversary! That is a hard word to type :)
Happy Blogaversary!! I so enjoy your blog and seeing your beautiful art.
Here's to many more years.
Happy forthcoming Blogiversary JoAnne - doesn't time fly when we're enjoying ourselves!
Your giveaway looks fantastic by the way xx
Ooh JoAnne, how lovely to offer this wonderful giveaway :-) Congratulations on your second year in Blogland - isn't it fab? Thank you, too for all the inspiration you give to me. Wishing you even great success with your blog and may you celebrate many many many more :)
Love and hugs
Beautiful! I love all the lace and pearls you've included in your lovely creation.
Congratulations JoAnne,
I love milestones,
especially those that come with such a beautiful giveaway!
Thanks for a chance to win.
hugs & JOY,
I added you to my sidebar!
Happy 2 Blogiversary! I would love to enter your giveaway. I will add your button to my sideblog. Plus be sure to check in tomorrow for my 1 year Blogiversary giveaway!
Happy Blogaversary JoAnne! I always enjoy all of the pretty things you post about! I'm a follower, of course, and I gave you a shout out on my sidebar. Here's to lots and lots more years of happy blogging!
Hi JoAnne!
Happy Blogiversary! Thank you for initiating me into the world of Altered Art (matchboxe swaps)! I have learned so much from you and the other wonderful artistic Ladies!
Please enter me for a chance to win your lovely giveaway and I have also added your button to my blog!
Thank you,
Happy blog anniversary!
Well a a happy blogaversary to you!
Oooh, please do add me to the list of hopefuls, what a gorgeous giveaway. I almost missed it, I have been so busy with other stuff ( and my own giveaway as well, lol ), I only just saw it mentioned on your Easter Egg matchbox post.
CONGRATULATIONS on your Blogiversary!
Hi Joanne, Happy Blogaversary.
I love all your gorgeous creations.
I was looking at your post today with the matchbox and scene you did, how creative.
I will be snagging your giveaway button and posting on my blog.
Thanks for entering me, I hope I win...:)
PS thanks for your recent comments too ♥
Such a generous giveaway! Happy Blogiversary!
Oh I would love to conCATulate you on your blogoversay JoAnne!!! Mind if I give my hat throwing skill a try...who knows...I might be the lucky one. Oh to have a frozen charlotte...what a dream!
Your Easter matchbox is also a dream! Lynn will be delighted with it!
XOXO Karla
Dear JoAnn- happy blogiversary! Isn't it amazing how quickly time flies in Blogland?!? Your giveway goodies are fabulous - someone is going to be very happy! Here's to you and your amazing art.... keep on creating!
it's lovely! happy blogaversary!!
I would love to be entered in your giveaway. Two years of blogging??? How wonderful!!! And I do love your blog.
Congrats JoAnne on your Blogaversary.
My how time flies.
Ohhhhh Everything I Love!
Such a crazy week, so glad I stopped by I would have hated to miss out on the chance.
Hugs Lynn
Congratulations on your Blogiversary, how sweet of you to have a giveaway! I'll go post your button for another chance! Have a great weekend! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥
wonderful Blogiversary wishes to you!
amazing accomplishment ~ 2 YEARS!!
All the Best '')
and TY! for sharing your creative generosity with us...
Oh JoAnne, happy (early) 2nd blogaversary! How exciting and what a beautiful giveaway. Please include my name in the drawing.
I am so thrilled to have become part of your beautiful world and hold you in friendship. It is wonderful to be back. Hugs, my beautiful friend. Mina
I am new to the blog...thanks to my sweet friend Karen. Everything you have is so beautiful and amazing. Can't wait to see more. JoanQ
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