I was playing around with dominoes again and some very sweet snowy images from
Lisa's Altered Art
and ended up with this pretty snow-themed book, that will now be gifted to one of you.

Leave a comment under this post for one chance, become or let me know you're a follower for another, and grab my giveaway button and link it back to me for two more chances.
The winner will be announced January 15th.
Good luck!
I don't think I've ever seen anything as lovely and creative as this Joanne! But I should have expected originality and beauty coming from you! Your art is truly something to be cherished! Count me in please!
I'm happy to feature your giveaway on my sidebar. I'll need those extra chances because #1 comment NEVER wins! lol
Oh, and BTW, I'm a follower! Wishing you blessings during this holiday season!
This the first time I've ever seen your blog and your pictures are so beautiful! I don't care about the giveaway so much as I loved just going though your blog! Natalie@ BridgetsDaughter5.blogspot.com
Beautiful, count me in. I'm already a follower.
Beautiful domino book JoAnne! The winner will be a very lucky artist. xo
Gorgeous give away! Thank you for the chance to win.
Already am a follower :)
What a darling little book! and I am a follower!!
Oh what a delightful treasure you have created....I am so glad that I am a follower so I was able to be included in a chance to have some of your magic for myself...maybe?
Oh Im so in! This is simply stunning and I'll be the happiest cookie on earth if I win! Thank you for this generous and sweet giveaway!
And of course, Im a follower! :D
And Ill be delighted to add this to my sidebar! :D Again, many thanks!
You are so clever! I love your style! Please enter me ~ I am already a follower :)
That is so sweet! I'm a follower.
I would love a chance a this beautiful creation! I am a follower! Di
Those are so very sweet! Love them thanks for the chance to win.
Oh, and I'm a follower!
Oh, these are just so beautiful, Joanne! Love their icy coolness...such winter beauty!
I would love to win one of your beautiful creations! I AM a follower, of course!
Wishing you a wonderful evening...
I absolutely love this. It's really enchanting. Please include me in your giveaway. Blessings Lesley UK
BTW I am a follower. Blessings Lesley UK
I add my comment and hope that I may be the winner. It's lovely!
Well, I am a follower but I just can't seem to get the 'button grabbin' thing down! I think the book is just lovely~
Merry Christmas!
Woooo soooo pretty Joanne.
I am already a follower.
I am posting and I will place your button on my blog so pick me ok?
Merry Christmas to you.
I love domino books! I haven't been able to try one yet, hopefully after Christmas! I am a follower and I have your button on my blog! count me in!
As you know I love domino books! One can never have too many : )
Your domino book is adorable and I would be delighted to have a chance to bring it home.
Such a lovely little creation. SWEEETTT!
Come by for some holiday puddin n pie
JoAnne, your book is really BRILLIANT !! Wonderful !
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
what a lovely book.. im a follower and would love to be added to the giveaway.. all your artwork is beautiful... just visiting is a treat :) you give me such inspiration.
hope your holidays are happy ones
big ladybug hugs
this is just gorgeous!
Just stopping by to wish you a Merry Christmas! May 2012 bring many blessings! xoxo
Joanne, Thanks for the chance to wind your awesome domino book. I love how it turned out. I just bought some dominoes to play art with too. I am a follower and I'll add your button to my side bar today. Hugs, Linda
Lovely Dominoe book! One lucky winner coming up :) Maybe me LOL
I am a follower already!
I will happily grab your give way button and add to my sidebar. Your blog button was one of the first I added to my blog!
I love this. I have been creating this kind of art for eons and am happy to see others doing the same.
Blessings, Happiness and Abundance to ALL !
Hi Joanne,
I just found your lovely blog over at Holiday Haven. I'm so happy I did as I love all your graphics and wish I had the talent you do. I'm now following you, will post your giveawy on my blog. I never participate in giveaways but your's I have to take a chance..I love this Wintry Tale!
Kindredly, Shirley
I love your little domino books! I would love to have one of your sweet creations! Thank you for having another giveaway~!
I have been a follower of your for over a year.
Thank you!
Teresa in California
I will put your giveaway on my sidebar right now~
So I am leaving a second comment...can't help it!
Teresa in California
Be Blessed!
Oh! I get two chance more if I link back and am a follower...so three total...
Thank you!
T in California
What a fab giveaway. You know my addiction to these little books. LOL I've added your button to my site and posted about your giveaway. Merry Christmas Laura
What a lovely little book. You have inspired me to try this out!
I am a brand new follower too! Cheers!
How generous. Firstly I think this is great that you are letting us comment here for a chance for the book Yea.
Secondly I am a new follower, didn't know about lyour blog but now can certainly keep up with you. Merry Christmas
i love your domino book!!
such a lovely giveaway!
thanks so much for the chance to win this beautiful art piece!!
oohhhh...2nd chance..i am a follower!!!
What a wonderful little lovely you've created. Here is hoping to own this little beauty.
What a darling little book! I know just who I'd give it to... a friend who has just been diagnosed with cancer ~
Thanks for a chance to win!
I love your little book, I had to look twice at it. I just made my very first domino book. Yours just looks like it belongs with mine.
Twins I say, LOL
Keep smiling and creating, how very generous of you to give it away.
This is beautiful! I am in, I am a follower.
I will be back to grab the button when I am not on my iPad (iPads have photo upload issues).
Thanks for sharing this lovely giveaway with Holiday Havens Christmas party. I Am pinning and tweeting it too.
Thanks for the giveaway, Happy holidays and I am a follower.
Your work is inspiring and beautiful.It touches a inner part of me. nice.Thank you for sharing
susan s.
Hello! What a precious wintery domino book-I would love it!!! I'm glad I found your blog and am now a follower. Merry Christmas to you,
Love the snow theme, I am a follower. TTFN Wanda
Your domino book is so dainty and gorgeous! I would love to have this little treasure!
Oh JoAnne, such a stunning giveaway! Please count me in.
I follow you so often you could almost call me a stalker. ;-)
I have posted your lovely button on my blog sidebar. Hugs, sweet friend.
I was just introduced to your blog by Laura Carson... Loved the holiday tour of your beautifully decorated home. I also just found out about domino books and I love yours... I would be very excited to win such a lovely work of art. Thank you for the opportunity...
How gorgeous your little domino book is, I would love to be included in the draw to win it. Many thanks for your generosity.
Merry Christmas.
I just signed on as a new follower...I love all things vintage so am excited.
Marita Kovalik
Love your blog...and the music. :)
Would really like to win your domino book. My late mother loved and collected snowflakes. Your book is really gorgeous and "snowy". Merry Christmas to you and yours, denise :D
Whsat a darling little book...I'm your newest follower and would love to be included in your draw.....Merry Christmas.
So beautiful as always. I gotta get me some dominoes! Would love to win this! i am already a follower..going right now to put on my sidebar.
What a wonderful little thing your domino book is, thank you for the chance to enter the giveaway. I wish you a wonderful new year ahead. Regards Mandy Currie (mandycurrie@googlemail.com)
I am a loyal follower. Love your blog. Would love to win.
Elaine in jersey
I hope you had great holidays, Joanne. Thanks for the chance to win this lovely domino book. :)
Greetings from Germany,
Sure thing I am a follower! :)
Of course, I put a button on the sidebar of my blog -- gotta spread the word! :)
wow, what a beautiful giveaway! please count me in. i am already a follower and i'll post this on my blog tomorrow as well. peaceand happy new year! xo
Oh my gosh, this is totally dreamy--You are SO talented!!!! Happy New Year!!
Oooo I'm so glad I'm not too late.Your little book would be cherished by me.Please do include me.Denise
I've been your follower for awhile now,and enjoy your post.Denise
Your buttons on my sidebar--Yeah 3 chances for me !
This is one of the cutest things I've ever seen. Wonderful winter giveaway. Thanks for hosting. Count me in, please.
I love your blog. I've been following.
Beautiful, I would love to win this lovely book! Robin Parker kittycatcreek@yahoo.com
Beautiful book! I just started following you! Happy New Year!
What a beautiful little piece of art!
I am a new follower. I came by way of She Dreams Big.
I posted your give away and a link on my sidebar too.
Happy New Year to you!
You do beautiful work. I just found your site but I will be back often. I have not set up a blog yet but when I do I will link back to you, but I was able to post you on my facebook page. Cherryl
I am a follower too! Thanks! Robin
Hi Jo-anne; its a pleasure to become a new follower of your blog. Love the things you do. Thankyou so much for gifting one of your lovely pieces of work.
Kind Regards
here's my comment for 1 chance
I am a follower for another..
What a Beautiful Book !
You have inspired me to try this.
Now to look through the rest of your Blog! I feel as though I just found a present !!
Oh, this is so beautiful! What a sweet, generous giveaway!
Oh, and I have been a follower for quite some time, now, and always look forward to your newest posts!
I love your blog. Please consider me to be a new follower. Would love to win the darling little domino book.
Hi, very pleased to meet you! If you would be do kind your enter me in your lovely giveaway I would be so appreciative!
I found your wonderful blog through my friend, Laura and I'm thrilled that I did! I'm now your 550th follower! Woohooo!
I have to tell you that you have a wonderful blog! I've totally enjoyed myself going through it and I know I'll love it in the future also!
I hope that you have a wonderful weekend!
Hugs and many blessings...
Bobbi Ann
PS.Thank you so much for this opportunity to win your precious and very beautiful domino book!
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