In keeping with the old adage that there is no time like the present, I decided to try something new for 2011. I'd like to experiment with new techniques, explore new mediums, stretch outside my comfort zone - and I'm hoping you'll join me in this quest.
How many times have you looked at some wonderful creation on a blog and wished you could make something like that? The truth is we could all make that something with a little shared knowledge.
And with that thought in mind, Tutorial Tuesday is born.

Here's how it will work:
Email me with a brief, concise tutorial of ANYTHING! It could be paper, mixed media, collage, fabric, jewelry, graphics, a recipe - anything!
Remember, what may seem very simple and basic to you, is brand new and unknown to someone else.
Include photos of the work in progress and finished project.
We can do this a couple of different ways: you can post the actual tutorial on your blog and I'll provide the link, OR
I can post the tutorial, still with a link to you.
I hope you're all enthusiastic about sharing your talents and being a part of Tutorial Tuesday. I look forward to being your host!
Please help spread the word by displaying the Tutotial Tuesday button on your blog. It can be found at the top of the sidebar. I've received questions in the past on how to link buttons that aren't html coded. So here's the first mini-tutorial! These instructions are for blogger.
1. Right click on the button and save to your computer.
2. In the design section of your blog, click on "add a gadget".
3. A window will open with options; scroll to and click on "picture".
4. A "Configure image" window will open. Click on "browse images" from your computer and upload the saved image (button).
5. In this same window there is a field for linking. In that field you can either copy and paste the name of the blog you are linking the image to, or type it in manually. In this instance it would be
Hide not your talents. They for use were made. What's a sundial in the shade?-Benjamin Franklin