Welcome to Dragonfly Manor and my Halloween Tea.

The butler would be happy

to hang your hat

Please make yourself comfortable. Park your broom if you like and feel free to kick off your shoes. Those pointy toes are killer, aren't they?

Did I mention it's a pumpkin themed tea this year?
Fae brought a darling baby boo...

But don't worry if you don't have one! Many of the guests arrived without.
Charlotte is a sweet little witch but quite forgetful

and the Skellington's always come empty-handed.

I'm not even certain who this masked character is but he must be an invited guest. That's a charming pumpkin made of seeds that he's touting!

But as I said, don't worry if you've come without. There are plenty to go around,

in all styles

and colors

and sizes

and settings

why, at Dragonfly Manor, they even grow on trees!

So sit back and enjoy the ambience,

for there are treats,

enough for all.

And where are my manners?

Would you care for a spot of tea?

Many thanks to
Anna for the inspiration, challenge and invitation to be part of this magical Halloween event.
I never would have shared pictures of my holiday home in such a creative way. It was an interesting process as I had no story in mind whatsoever. After taking pictures around my house, I built the tea around them.
So thank you Anna! It was a fun journey!