By looking at the first pictures posted in my flickr swap group for the Grandma's Attic swap, I can see that a lot of us are old souls.
There are some stunning designs and lots and lots of vintage treasures being shared. If you'd like to take a peek, click
For my partner Gerri

The box is covered with vintage inspired newspaper ads. I then layered a vintage doily, textiles and lace. I dug through my cartes de visites (those are the antique photos that are a smaller, chunkier version of a cabinet card) collection and found that sweet "grandma when she was a little girl" photo to grace the top of the box. I finished it off with some amazing beaded trim and a piece of jewelry I recently picked up at an estate sale.
Tucked inside the box

is a stash of Grandma's goodies!
I'll share other swappers pics when more are posted. Stay tuned for the next swap announcement very soon.......