This is Emma. She loves Spring. An only child, she enjoys swinging in the garden and visiting with friends, real and imaginary....

Emma's dress is embellished with antique lace and tiny beads. Images are Paper Whimsy and Land of Enchantment.
This is the perfect solution for a second page in a two page vintage or heritage layout - use those small photos which don’t make a page all in themselves but go along with your subject matter, for displaying and storing related ephemera.
1 12x12” Bon Marche – Graphic 45 Fashionista Line
1 6x12” navy blue cardstock
2 yards ½” navy blue ribbon/vintage seam binding
4 regular size navy brads 9 mini size navy brads
Navy ink
¼” double-sided tape - this is important, nothing works as well adhering ribbon or fabric to paper.
Zip Dry glue - this is one of the best glues to use paper to paper, it won’t cause your paper to warp and like the name it is quick.
Craft knife and a sharp “hole poker” to use on the ribbon.
Work with a good ruler and preferably on a self-healing rotary mat.
A. Ink the Bon Marche paper on all four edges.
B. Laying the 12x12 paper flat, adhere a small piece of double-sided tape (DST) along the top left and bottom right sides. (No need to take off the top paper until you are ready to adhere the ribbon.) Center the ribbon into the top left corner diagonally and run it down to the bottom right corner.
Don’t make it too tight but don’t leave any ease. Do the same thing from the opposite corners. You will have a large X.
This is where working on a rotary mat is helpful.
Adhere a piece of DST along all edges at 6”. Run the ribbon from the 6” point on the left side to the bottom middle. Keep turning the paper and do this on the remaining three sides. As you move along the ribbons will cross at the 6” mark.
C. Cut four ½ x 12” strips from the navy cardstock for the frame. Adhere the first strip across the top of your page and the remaining strips one after another, trimming the edges to fit with a craft knife.
D. Using a sharp poker to make holes first insert the mini brads at each crisscross and the regular brads into each corner.