My original thought was maybe I could blog and that would draw people in to my etsy. (Let's be honest, a lot of us artsy types begin for that reason.) But something strange happened along the way. I had little interest in listing anything in my shop despite the fact I'm a frequent etsy visitor and purchaser. I think I've listed 6 things in the last 6 months, but I'm blogging my little heart out on a regular basis!
I've made connections with people all over the world who share common interests. I've been encouraged to think and create ouside my comfort zone. I've embraced the joy of swapping. I've been inspired, I mean deeply inspired by what you, my new blogging friends share. I've shared in your successes, your fears, your joys with sincere interest and concern. I've experienced that same sincere interest and concern in return. There is a camaraderie that I never anticipated but am so overjoyed to have found.
Each of you-the frequent visitor, the swap partner, the casual visitor, the one time commenter-has touched and enriched my life. Your blogs have made me laugh, cry, pray and rejoice.
So 6 months in (and 200 followers later!!!), please accept my gratitude. I am humbled by your kind and generous spirits.

Let's celebrate the sisterhood! I would like to do another giveaway. I'll put the deadline out a little longer because the winner for the Halloween Giveaway isn't selected until this Friday.
Simply leave a comment. If you would like to become a follower or grab my button that's great, but to be entered simply comment after this post. The prize? It will be something JUST FOR YOU. I would like to make up a little gift package based on what I know about you from your blog. Comment anytime through the month of October and the winner will be announced the first week of November.
Side note: I do my best to respond to comments and questions, but have a computer issue that often restricts my ability to respond. I can't click on an "email me" or "send a message" through google connect. A message pop up says "client default not properly installed", so when possible I respond on your blog. Some of you I haven't been able to locate though. A friend will be looking at the problem and hopefully be able to correct it soon. In the interim, if you'd like, drop me an email and we'll chat.