Monday, May 17, 2010

How Very Enchanting is My Room

I love swapping art, and what's not to love? You meet new people, make friends with a shared interest, have the opportunity to share your creations with others, get lots and lots of inspiration from fellow swappers, AND collect lovely pieces such as this wonderfully whimsical faerie home!

Christine Shebroe, from my Paper Whimsy Ning Group made this for me. It has such a fun feel to it. I adore the flamingo on the picket fence and the little salamander creeping about.
The exterior is equally as wonderful with the magical faerie home entrance and poem. Thank you so much Christine!

This was a fantastic swap culminating in many extremely creative assemblages. Personally, it was nice to travel a bit out of my artistic comfort zone and create my first ever assemblage piece. A great source of inspiration for many of us was the book, Mixed Media Dollhouses by Tally Oliveau and Julie Molina. Not only a visual delight; it includes clear instructions and templates, and features artwork by the talented Gale Blair (Paper Whimsy owner, aka our fearless leader/mentor) and our equally talented group member, Theresa Martin.
I highly recommend this book to anyone open to a little enchantment in their life.


Unknown said...

It is a beautiful room JoAnne and you are so lucky... it was a great swap to be involved in xxx

PeggyR said...

That is truly enchanting! I love fairies!

Anonymous said...

Oooh so happy you like it! And it made it to you without getting ruined -- I was worried! :D

Anonymous said...

Lucky YOU getting Christine's Enchanted Room. It looks like it was made just for YOU!

Your blog is always fun to visit.

Hope your weekend is 'memorable'.

Marva Plummer-Bruno said...

Oh I love your room!!! I have been planning on making one, really similar to this! How funny! I even have the white picket fence! Now I just need some time! :) Marva