Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Must Be the Season of the Witch

When I returned to my long neglected blog
this past July it was with the intention
of picking up where I left off.
Now here it is, the beginning of my favorite season
and finally, another post.

First I must express my gratitude to all my blogging and swapping
friends who took the time to wish me well.
I can't begin to express how appreciative I am for your 
kind words and well wishes.

I am happy to report that I do not have any life threatening
illness or condition.
I do have a life changing condition..
one that I am slowly adapting to.
Chronic pain has kept me from so much of what 
I enjoy.
My time has been spent in physical therapy,
receiving epidural injections
and wandering through the world of pain management.

So bear with me while I slowly return.
I can't wait to catch up with all of you and eventually 
I would love to resurrect the swap group
if there is still an interest.

For now I'll share a couple of witchy tags
I've made for a swap.

I am back!
Must be the season of the witch!


  1. So grateful to see you posting once again. Healing Energy for your continued path to better health. The course you are on sounds very similar to what I am facing. Life does require constant adaptations on our parts. Love your Tags! Creative Bliss and Well Wishes...

  2. Yay, you're back. So sorry to hear that you have been unwell. I've blown healing kisses and warm hugs your way. Hope you'll be right as rain soonest. Love your tags (of course) and looking forward to seeing more of you lovely creations. xoxo Oma Linda

  3. Happy Halloween and more well wishes!

  4. Gorgeously wicked Halloween creations!
    Sorry to read of your health issues and coming to terms with chronic pain and the management of it. It certainly is a learning curve but I am sure you are surrounded by people who are looking out for you and hopefully a good medical support system.
    Wishing you all the best.

  5. JoAnne,

    It is sooooo good to see you back.
    I am so sorry to hear that you are having to deal with pain and hope that you can get past this......Big, big hugs for you my friend.
    Anyways, great tags.
    I will look forward to more of your postings.
    I am interested in swapping in your group, one of the best out there.
    Will see ya soon.

  6. I'm glad to see you back and hope you continue to find a way out of the pain you're experiencing. We all miss you!

  7. PS that burlap witch tag is my favorite!
