Saturday, October 10, 2015

It Isn't Always Black & White...

I so enjoy my files
of vintage images. 
Around this time of year I'm particularly
drawn to the old black & whites.
Many are perfect as they are
and some naturally lend themselves
to altering spooky style...
don't you think?



  1. Oh yes, I agree, the black and white ones are especially great when they are spookified.

  2. Black and White Spookified is so much fun as some of these vintage images are truly scary. Creative Halloween Bliss...

  3. Love and adore each and every one! I pulled back several years ago now, needing to make my health the priority. When I dip back in once in awhile, I see that is the case with any number of us. Wishing you find your way in managing to make each day better. Hugs, Sandi

  4. Dear JoAnne! I have been thinking about you so much since our last swap...when the time is right for you...we will be back with you once again! Until get day at a time. Pain is a dreadful road hubby just had 3 spine surgeries last month...I also have a back issue. Somedays I just want to stay in bed...craft ideas circling my head keep me sane like sugar plums!
    Thank you for all the treasure you and your group have brought into my little cottage...
    Till soon....Karla

  5. JoAnne,

    Your photo stash is always so great to see.
    I specially love those three children. It has always amazed me that way back then they really dressed up "SCARY" for Halloween!
    Good to see you posting today.
