Monday, July 6, 2015

Been Gone So Long...

Many things have kept me from blogging though mostly health reasons. Hope to return soon sharing and visiting on a regular basis.
Lately have been enjoying working in
and lounging in my yard.
Hello summer!


  1. It is great to see you back in blogland! Your garden is looking so colourful, what a lovely place to spend time in.

  2. Lovely gardens you have. Healing energy for your health. Welcome Back Hugs...

  3. What a lovely nest you have JoAnne! Glad to see you back again....I have been thinking about you quite a bit of late. I am sending you summery thoughts and healing purrrrs...

  4. I have missed you. I have been so sick with Lyme I have only put up a few posts this year. I'm hoping to try to get going again to use as art therapy. This is a beautiful post!

  5. Everything looks lovely!
    Hope you're feeling better soon... Miss you:-)

  6. Your garden is beautiful. Sure miss you blogging! I hope you feel much better, and soon.

  7. I love all your photos of your garden. I am back to looking at my blog and others. I guess everyone is posting less. I miss the swapping espescially the matchbox ones. we have recently moved to a new home, and smart phones have taken over. Take care my blogging friend.

  8. Hi JoAnne! I hope everything is going ok and that you have enjoyed your summer! I can't believe it's October already! Talk to you soon! We all miss you!
