Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Halloween Matchbox Heaven

I have sooooo much Halloween to share with you
but have been too busy the past couple of weeks
to take pictures and blog.
I will try to play catch up over the next 10 days.
Yes, 10 days until Halloween!
Can you believe it?
My partner Michele
loves nature themes so I incorporated
as many flowers, berries, leaves and feathers
a matchbox top could hold.
 I even managed to fit a
mini witches broom in there.
I truly enjoyed working with all the different elements
and beautiful fall colors.
This is the finished piece... 
 with lots of
Halloween treats tucked inside.
Michele created a special box
for me also.
She really captured my love of whimsy
with this glam skelly!
 The altered faux watch
in the foreground
is another cherished piece she
created for me.
I partnered with two Michelle's
this Halloween
and this is the sweetly spooky
box I received from
 And the box I made for her.
I covered it with cheese cloth and gesso,
then layered it with the
stretchy spider web stuff that you
find in stores this time of year.
I took a plain white mask and covered it with
white mica flakes
then embellished away!
If you'd like to see more Halloween matchboxes
feel free to browse around our swap group
photo album
Be back soon!


  1. Spooktacular Halloween Art made and received. WOW,you must be in Halloween heaven,JoAnne:)
    Enjoy your treasures and have a great week.

  2. I am so glad you found time to share all the Halloween goodness created and swapped. Creative Halloween Bliss...

  3. I love your matchbox it is wonderful! And what treats you got in the mail to!

  4. The matchboxes are all fabulous and how clever to use the mask!! That was such a fun swap!! xo Lorraine

  5. Stunning creations! The two of you had a wonderful swap.
    And gosh, I was already a follower of your blog through bloglovin... blush... :)
