Sunday, October 26, 2014

Autumn Fairy

a set of atc's for a swap.


  1. I love your Autumn JoAnne! She's beautiful!

  2. Beautiful! Beautiful! JoAnne.
    Love your gorgeous nature themed matchbox to Michele too! So many lovely things from nature have been added!

  3. What, what a beautiful ATC! Whoever gets your ATCs in the swap is a very lucky person.

  4. Such a lovely ATC, JoAnne! I know whoever received this is just thrilled! Love it! Hugs and hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
    MARTINA oxo

  5. Gorgeous atc JoAnne! Your work is so beautiful and inspiring, I'm happy our paths crossed. New follower through blogloving :) And thank you so much for putting my giveaway to your sidebar, that is so very sweet of you! Wishing you a happy day, hugs
