Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Spreading My Wings

I've admired them on blogs and Pinterest..
even purchased a couple on etsy..
told myself probably a hundred times..
"you really need to try making one yourself."
I've had a love affair with fabric books
for some time now.
Told myself for a couple of years now
that I'm not a seamstress.
(And that part is true. I can't tell you how many
times I stuck myself with the needle
and how many attempts it took
just to thread it!!!)
So when I saw a needle book swap posted in the
Marie Antoinette Mail Art Group
I knew it was time to
spread my wings and work out of
my comfort zone.
Plus it was a great opportunity to
use the "good stuff".
I had some amazing vintage textiles in my stash..
and it was an enjoyable process
layering and putting them all together
to create this one of a kind gift.
Ta da!
Here is my finished needle book. 
 exterior of opened book
front cover
back cover 

inside cover
interior view

interior pocket page
interior view
This book is en route to my swap partner.
 Now that it's not so scary after all
the next one is for me!
I hope you've been inspired to
spread your wings.

I am linked to
Blissful White Wednesdays.


  1. So PRETTY! I just finished one for a swap too. They are so fun to make!

  2. Gorgeous! I think your creative wings have you soaring!
    hugs and JOY,

  3. JoAnne ... it is even more beautiful in real life thank you for swapping with me... it is so pretty the lace is to die for ...

    okay now go make one for yourself hugs wendy

  4. the fabrics and embellishments on this one are fabulous. I love what you did. Oma Linda

  5. It's sooo beautiful, JoAnne!!! It's good to try something new! I have been having fun incorporating sewing into my papercrafting. I so wanted to join this swap but it was a really busy month for me. Love love what you did!! xo Lorraine

  6. Oh My Goodness this is stunning and your swap partner should be ecstatic to receive this. Beautiful! Creative Lace Bliss...

  7. Wow JoAnne your lace needlebook is so very elegant. What an excellent job you have done. You must be feeling so proud of yourself and rightly so!
    There will be no stopping your now because I remember that is how I got started with my lace books.
    So beautiful are those vintage laces and pearls!
    x Suzy

  8. Oh JoAnne how beautiful!!!
    So many times I thought about joining in on that swap, chickened out I guess I would say. Maybe next time.
    I think I can safely say your swap partner is going to love her needle book.
    Have a great rest of the week.

  9. JoAnne, I am drooling over here! What an exquisite piece you have created! I'm seeing a needlebook swap in your maybe for Mother's Day? xoxo Mercedes

  10. Stunning JoAnne, Drool worthy!!
    So wish I would have been able to join in this swap.
    Hugs Lynn

  11. YES you have inspired me -- that needlebook is breathtaking! Lucky lucky swap partner!! Now you will probably be hooked -- each fabric creation is a real labor of love!

  12. What a beautiful book! Well done.

  13. Gorgeous needle book! I think I want to make one for me! What a great small projects to work on. I AM a seamstress, but I am still nervous to make a fabric and lace book! You are an inspiration!
    Good work, you are courageous!
