Thursday, March 27, 2014

Springtime Fantasy

A sweet little winged Charlotte
pokes her flower capped head
through a forest of
feathers, pearls, tulle, flowers & butterflies..
 ..hoping to capture her first glimpse of spring.
 Her pretty little peat pot home
is painted with gesso
and covered in mini fabric white roses.
 This little altered peat pot
will find a new home in Kansas
with my swap partner
I must admit
this was one of those creations that was difficult to give away.
But if it brings Tami even
half the joy it brought to me while creating it,
it's a gift I'm happy to give!
Happy Spring!


  1. JoAnne,
    This peat pot is so fantastic, I love it!
    This swap was great fun.

  2. This is so sweet!! Yes it would be hard to give-away.

  3. Oh, it's so lovely, JoAnne, I can see how difficult it would be to part with it! I'm sure Tami will love it! xo Lorraine

  4. oh my gosh, this is just stunning, she is going to love it!!!

  5. JoAnne, Shes as precious as can be, so soft and delicate. It would be hard for me to give away too.
    Lucky lady your swap partner!
    Hugs Lynn
