Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Last of the Holiday Gifts

I certainly was blessed this holiday season with many lovely gifts and giveaway wins from my beautiful blogging friends. I've shared them in the last several posts and these are the final few.
One of the sweetest friends I've made is Katherine of
Her blog is full of love and inspiration so if you haven't visited already you have something special to look forward to!
Katherine sent me this precious handmade card
packaged in a sheer handmade envelope.
And knowing my love of Christmas and the many trees I decorate,
she also made me this stunning ornament.
Thank you Katherine!
I've long been a fan of Shari's art. Her blog,
shows her unique style and diverse artistry.
I fell in love with her altered winter bottles and was fortunate to win this adorable snowman bottle.
And it's a plus that he fit perfectly into this existing vignette.
Thanks Shari!
Another giveaway win made it's way to me all the way from Australia
 and the talented hands of Suzy, of
Her collage work is perfection and I adore this piece more than I could ever express. If you love textile collage and mixed media as I do you will get lost in Suzy's blog for endless hours.
Thank you Suzy!.
To these women and all my blog friends who were so kind and generous to think of me this holiday season, I offer my heartfelt gratitude.
Your beautiful gifts are cherished and each has a special place in my home as well as my heart.


  1. Your gifts are all so sweet! What beautiful people that are in blog land. You are so fortunate to receive such beautiful gifts.

  2. Such wonderful gifted friends you have. Your gifts are just lovely. Thank you for sharing them!!

  3. So glad you like them my dear! It was a pleasure to create for such a dear friend! Thank you for your friendship! :D


  4. Dear Joanne,
    truly so wonderful gifts from Katherine, and the wonderful winns also.
    The snowman is funny and lovely, and dear Suzy`s heart piece so stunningly beautiful! So many kind and wonderful friends out there in blogland!

  5. Oh JoAnne, you lucky lady. Everything is so beautiful and so deserved. You are a very special soul and we all just adore you. Warmest hugs, Mina

  6. Beautiful things. I always have a hard time saying good-bye to the holiday season!

  7. Hello Joanne
    Such beautiful gifts from Katherine and Shari - you are so very lucky to receive these from dear friends and I am so glad you love your little collage from the Giveaway.
    Enjoy my dear friend,
    and have to say how much I love your flowers in your new post.
    Just so very charming!
    Sending big hugs,

  8. JoAnne, your treasures are lovely and what a testimony of how much you are loved by your dear friends! You are a giving, loving soul so I am not surprised! Have a most beautiful and creative New Year, my friend.
