Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Sharing Some Valentine Love....New Swap!

Don't you love blog inspiration? I am always in awe of my blog friends' ideas and talents.
One of the very first blogs I ever visited was
 Many of you are already familiar with Lynn and her beautiful creations. Not only is she super talented but also super gracious. When I stopped by for a visit earlier today and saw her newest valentines I immediately emailed her asking permission to use her images and host a swap in my flickr group (where she's been a long time member). Not only did she respond with an enthusiastic yes, but she was also the first to sign up for the swap!
By the way, all of these gorgeous spoolies are available for purchase in Lynn's etsy shop.
Sign-ups are now open in my flickr group. You have to be a group member to participate. To learn how to do that follow this LINK and directions for joining are on the group page.
Come make and swap a Valentine Spoolie!


  1. Very Nice!!!
    Happy New Year!!


  2. Dear JoAnne,
    What a wonderful swap it will be,-I also love all Lynn`s fantastic art pieces- and I know you will make stunning swap pieces for your first swap in 2013.
    Enjoy and have fun,-thankyou for sweet comments in 2012 , I look forward to meeting in this year also :-)

  3. JoAnne,

    Happy New Year to you.

    I am heading over to the swap group to sign up for this one. You know me, I love a good swap.
    Thanks for the opportunity.

  4. Oh my, those spools really are gorgeous, I was admiring them on her blog earlier. I'm sure this will be a great swap.
    Happy 2013.

  5. HAPPY NEW YEAR beautiful friend!!! Oh these are so lovly...Lynn is an amazing artist! Can I resist being a part of this fun....NOT:)
    XOXO Karla

  6. Ooh, this one looks like FUN! Her spools are so pretty!

  7. they are the sweetest! Love Lynn's work! Happy New Year to you!


  8. Love all of your swaps. What perfection for a Valentines swap..I am already on my third spoolie and looking forward to doing more LOL

  9. That is a very unique creations. I am so amazed at the talents of so many people I feel intimidated lol
