Monday, March 26, 2012

New Collaborative Book Swap & More for the Giveaway!

Carte de visites are those wonderful old photos, usually portraits, of the past. They were very popular in the late 1800's and I can understand why. Charming and small, they were mounted on heavy board to last for generations.
Some are so charming I simply collect them and keep them as they are. But others are just fun to play with.

Here's a perfectly lovely lady...

and here she is again, after my transformation.
Imagine a book of these wonderfully transformed ancestors!

That's exactly what we're going to do in my flickr group.

Here's some photos of a past collaborative I participated in.
Cover by Sharon



Hope you'll join in the fun!
Cdvs are due May 11 so as not to interfere with Easter plans and I've listed some packs in my long-neglected etsy shop.

All of this cdv talk makes me want to add a couple to my giveaway! A couple of photos looks skimpy so I'll add some vintage trims and beads too.

The winner will be announced Wednesday or Thursday of this week.


  1. I love all the altered photos. So fun!


  2. I really enjoyed this post, as usual.

    Happiness to all.

  3. This looks like a fun swap! and I love the altered photo's so very cool!

  4. Love your photos. Fun seeing your altered up creations.

  5. These alternations are superb! I love the mixture of old and new! :D


  6. Oh my; this looks like a lot of fun. Your clown alteration is brilliant!
    Kind Regards

  7. Adorable! I wish I could do more swaps because they are just so fun and creative. This one looks super fun!
