Tuesday, February 8, 2011

No Tutorial But More Valentine Image Freebies

I know, it's an outrage! It's Tutorial Tuesday - and no tutorial! The truth is no one has come forward to offer any since that first group (Thank you Mrs. A., Daniele, Sherry, Wendy and Angela) all stepped up so quickly to share. The feedback was all very positive so I'm hoping to be able to continue offering tutorials, but thought maybe it would be more manageable and apt to happen if I went with the first Tuesday of every month.
So Tuesday, March 1st is up for grabs! It can be absolutely anything - a simple technique or a complete project from A to Z. It's not only fun to share a skill or talent but it invites new friends to your blog. You never know who's peeking at your tutorial. I had an artist who publishes an e-zine contact me regarding the reprint rights for Daniele's bottlecap tutorial. I put them in touch with each other and Daniele will now be published!
I did shamelessly bribe you with more valentines in lieu of a tutorial.....



  1. Beautiful freebies! Sorry I have not come up with anything for you, but I promise I will. Actually I am going to go rattle a cage for you!!! Hugs!

  2. ahh...I can't do March! But April is looking ok...you are so convincing! Just come over and send me an e-mail to confirm. Love the images!

  3. such sweet images thanks for sharing

  4. Thank you for the lovely Valentine images. I just found your lovely blog. Thanks for sharing. ~Diane

  5. Don't worry JoAnne I'm sure you'll get more soon. Thanks for sharing those beautiful images x

  6. thses are beautiful!! thanks so much for sharing!

  7. Your Valentine bribe is a huge success! Thank you.

  8. These are beautiful! Life's been crazy lately, but if it slows down some I'll see about a tutorial for you.

  9. Pretty !! :) Cant wait to see your tutorials :) I just emailed you and M. about the swap :) Hugs :) :) :)

  10. These are such pretty images...love the first one! Thanks so much for sharing. Now I need to go check out the previous tutorials you've shared!

  11. Thanks for the lovely images JoAnne. I got your FlickR mail as well, thanks so much.

  12. wow, thanks a tons for sharing these vintage imagines!
