Wednesday, August 11, 2010

White Wednesday Voyeurism Ends Today!!!!!

I have been a long-time admirer now of all the White Wednesday bloggers and Kathleen's host blog, Faded Charm. Though my photography skills and WW contributions may not be as sharpened or charming as some, I still feel the need to jump in. I hope my fellow WW fans will enjoy these pics of my summertime retreat, namely my deck and backyard. Welcome to my humble deck...... One of my many garage sale cages (I have a thing for cages). They serve as plant hangers in the summer and usually faerie habitats inside during the colder months.
Also on my deck are some more of my garage sale finds. Can you believe this charming birdcage was $2? And the little porcelain bird in the little porcelain nest, aka a salt shaker and tray, was another find at 25 cents!
And the view from the deck is quite lovely too. Thank you to all who joined me on my first White Wednesday venture.


  1. Welcome to your first White Wednesday!

    There are some great gals that hang out here.


  2. Welcome and well done!
    Love the bird cages and the wreath!
    I hope you come back and do it again!
    Hugs- Tete

  3. I've never heard of white wednesdays but I must say your finds at garage sales are fantastic like you I love bird cages and the first one is a real find

  4. Beautiful post. I love the vignette with the birdcage and wreath. ~~Sherry~~

  5. Love all the whites-the bird sign is my favorite-Happy WW

  6. I love your should have joined the fun before now!! I just adore your birdcages!

  7. Luv what you've done with that birdcage...$2 dollars??? Wow! I've just joined White Wed too, and happy to find your beautiful blog.

  8. wonderful finds! Love them and what you did with your treasures.

  9. Welcome to W.W. ~ Love the Bird Cage & Your Flowers ~ the Perfect Summer White Wednesday Post.....
    stop by when you get a chance

  10. I could sit and visit with you for hours in your lovely garden, with a cool glass of Iced tea of course!

  11. I have been wanting to join for a while too and posted my first white post today too.

    I love all of your pretty white treasures. See you next time!

    Best wishes,

  12. Oh I love your finds!! So pretty!I'm happy to be your newest follower of your delightful blog and would love to have you as a friend at FFD! I'm also hosting a link party/giveaway every Friday and would love to have you link up your finds/creations! Hope to see you there!
    ~Terrell @ FrouFrouDecor~

  13. Thanks for the beautiful photos.Love the Bird cage.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  14. Love your white elements in your backyard area. I may have to jump in on white wed's also. Take care. Hugs, Carol Mae
