Thursday, August 5, 2010

Gothic Arch Pages

We're making a collaborative Women & Birds Gothic Arch Book in my Treasure Art Trends Yahoo Group. With the above average temperatures and extreme humidity in my area it's been very difficult to sit and create. (Never felt the need for central air before but starting to rethink that this summer!) I finally finished my pages today. This beautiful image is one of my favorites, so I thought I'd share her with you. Left click to enlarge, then right click to save.


  1. Oh my! Pure beauty! Love the gold touches! I know what you mean about the heat, I had to see where you are located! Kenmore NY, I once lived in Upstate NY! You take a shower and get out dripping! Hope it cools down for you!

  2. Actually I was born in Utica, which is about three hours East of Buffalo.

  3. Beautiful page. Thanks for the gorgeous photo.

  4. gorgeous page such a lovely image and the gold edges finishes it off a treat

  5. Absolutely stunning arches, what beautiful work and so elegant and vintage too
    I have a new challenge at my Dezinaworld blog if you fancy a go but if not, just keep on making beautiful art
    Hugs June xxxxx

  6. Your arches are sublime, so dreamy. How strange,yesterday in the mailI received a tag, from my friend Chris Slater with this image. Now I have the girl with lace for myself :) TFS Lynne M

  7. JoAnne,
    Your arch ATC's are so Lovely, I'm sure you will have some very happy swappers, Thank you for the image shes so sweet!
    hugs Lynn

  8. Hi Joanne,
    love your arches and the image is just gorgeous.
    Thank you so much.Love your new blog look!Oh, if you need some french sheet music I just posted some.
