Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Wonderful World of Swapping

I'm participating in A May Day Tussie Mussie Swap at A Swap For All Seasons, and what a wonderful place it is to swap! The blog owner and hostess, Linda has created a friendly and inspirational forum.
My swap partner is Melissa in Tennessee. We quickly got to know each other via email chats and creating a special tussie mussie and goodie package for her was great fun. We share a love of birds and nests and all things vintage. Unable to wait until the group's actual mailing date, Melissa is already in possession of her personalized tussie mussie so I'm able to share the creation here.


  1. That is just darling! and I love the header that Laura made for you too. I love vintage things, and I will be back to visit you again:)

  2. I love tussy mussies and this is so gorgeous, xxx

  3. And I do love it so! Thank you, JoAnne. I have it hanging on my curio cabinet in my living room. Such a wonderful swap!
