Monday, March 29, 2010

I DO Love Being a Part of Paper Whimsy

I thoroughly enjoy the various art exchange groups I belong to, and just this past week I joined another. Paper Whimsy has always been a favorite online source of collage sheets and other bits and baubles. The Paper Whimsy Ning Group also does not disappoint. What a warm, welcoming and highly creative group of people I've had the good fortune of getting to know. I highly recommend WhimsyLand to anyone looking for an inspirational, artistic home.
My first endeavor is the Whimsy Word Journal Swap. Each participant is to create a journal using found objects for the cover. I used bingo boards from an old Milton Bradley game. This is the journal I'll be sending to Sallie in California.


  1. Hello JoAnne, I'm so glad I stopped in for a visit! Your creations are LOVELY; the Tussie Mussie is so beautifully detailed! I thank you for including a link to my humble Etsy Shop, and wish you happiness and success with your shop and blog. Warmest regards, Laura

  2. Welcome to the blogging world JoAnne! I love to follow creative people and see what they are doing. Your journal is very beautiful! It gives me an idea of making one for my son, who always carries a journal. He is a librarian and he loves Monopoly.... maybe I could do something with a Monopoly game board! I am a new blogger too, I just started in January. I will check back again, Colleen

  3. Gorgeous journal! Congratulations on getting your blog populated, too. You always make such nice things. It's a pleasure to be in swaps with you and I'm glad we'll now be able to read more about what you make here! Marilyn

  4. Joann,
    I love your journal, I really enjoy seeing the different things that can be used to create art.
    I'm looking forward to following the life of the dragonfly!
    Cheers on the blog!

  5. Your Journal is so pretty, I love it x

  6. Your Journal is so pretty, I love it x
