Friday, August 18, 2017

Steampunk? Why not?

I don't dislike steampunk
but it's not my favorite style.
However my partner in a recent
altered altoids tin swap
requested steampunk.

So I dug through my stash of "things"
and found old keys
and wings
and gears
and arrows 
and crowns
and other assorted doo dads.
And this is what I came up with.

That's an actual 3 dimensional
copper and glass case
glued in on the left.
Always exciting to step out of the comfort zone
and spread your wings!

I would like to thank all my visitors
who took the time to leave such kind and comforting
words of encouragement.
All of this...
creating, blogging
is a struggle for me right now.
I feel the need to push myself though
to maintain some level of life as I knew it.
Your friendship means the world to me.


  1. Steampunk may not be your favorite, but you certainly can create the look! Love all the layers and texture. I know your swap partner had to be so pleased!
