Thursday, March 31, 2016

Oh So Vintage, Oh So Pretty Snippet Roll

This was the theme for our most recent swap.. 

I'll be back soon to share the
beautiful snippet roll
I received!


  1. I love your snippet roll! I almost used a key as a hanger, also -- great minds! I love the embroidered ribbon you used to fasten it. I love that little girl image, with the crown. Thank you for hosting this swap!

  2. I'm so happy to be the recipient of this beautiful piece! I love everything about it, and will be sharing it on my blog as soon as I get my new PC all set up. Thank you so much!

  3. JoAnne,

    So, so beautiful.
    Sorry to have missed this swap.

  4. How very beautiful Joanne , so very sweet a snippet roll. I love doing them myself, too- and yours is so lovely with the girl image and the idea with the key.
    So wonderful vintage.

    Dorthe, xx

  5. JoAnne, The roll you creative is,indeed,"oh so pretty." Love the hints of pink, the sumptuous appliques and lace, and the way you attached the roll to the pretty key. I'm sure Terri will be most pleased. Thanks again for hosting the swap! I had never created a snippet roll before. The swap got me to break out the sewing machine (little used) and to print onto muslin ironed onto freezer paper for the first time. Worked like a charm. Swaps give me deadlines, let me try new things and "meet" some lovely ladies. I had a great time. - Amy Bauer

  6. Lovely swap and your snippet is vintage delish! Thanks for hosting.

  7. Your roll is beautiful! Such a lovely swap!
    Thanks for hosting!
    Donna A

  8. How sad, I missed the snippet roll exchange cause I was so busy getting ready for a street fair and the clark county fair country store. So I was busy busy crafting away. Niether was very profitable but these snippet rolls are just stunning. I will have to get in on the next swap though. Yours is just amazing JoAnne!
