Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Spirit Moved Me

I've always admired that
bohemian, funky look of Spirit Dolls.
A recent swap motivated me to 
make my first.
I started with a piece of driftwood
I picked this last summer
along the Niagara River,
then adorned her in layers of 
vintage textiles, fibers, laces and embellishments.
I made her face from polymer clay.
She's my first
but certainly not my last!


  1. She is beautiful and I believe she is asking for lots of Spirit Sisters. Creative Doll Bliss...

  2. Exquisite!

  3. Ahh doll making, an age-old craft delighting young and old. It is fun to fashion a little being and adorn them just so. One can understand how much fun God had creating us! Your spirit doll is wonderful, and I had much fun making my ribbon doll for your swap too. - Amy Bauer

  4. Love her! I've always loved spirit dolls too..
