Friday, December 19, 2014

Winter Wonderland Holiday Snippet Roll

I only participated in a couple of holiday swaps this year
but what wonderful swaps they were!
This is the snippet roll I made for my partner...

A big hug of gratitude to all the talented artisans
who swap in the
Vintage Dragonfly flickr group.
You certainly make my holidays happy!


  1. Such a wonderful snippet roll JoAnne.
    I love swapping in the group, great bunch of gals/artists.
    A big thank you goes out to you for giving us the opportunity/place to swap in the first place.
    A great big holiday hug for you.

  2. Oh it's gorgeous -- I adore that bottle brush tree in the middle! Thank you for hostessing the swap! I am delighted with mine and I loved making the one I sent! Merry, merry Christmas!

  3. Oh it`s fantastic JoAnne,
    so very beautiful, and I love the tree on top. So much sweetness !!
    Now I have been away far too long again, I think I have to reset your blog link in my blog list ,as I don`t get opdated every time you post.

    Hugs, Dorthe

  4. Thanks again for hosting JoAnne! I love my snippet roll!

  5. I am completely enchanted with snippet rolls and yours is magical. Merry Christmas Blessings with Peace and Joy for all of 2015...

  6. Your snippet roll looks great!

    Merry Christmas and a very Happy Healthy New Year to you and all your loved ones.

    Gaby xo

  7. I wish you a MERRY,HAPPY CHRISTMAS, and ALL THE BEST FOR 2015, JoAnne for you and your family .
    Hugs from Dorthe

  8. Dear JoAnne
    Your snippet roll is soooo gorgeous!
    Thank you for your support throughout the year dear friend. I am already designing Valentines cards in my head at the moment LOL!
    Have a truly Blessed Christmas and a very inspiring New Year!
    Warm hugs,
