Sunday, February 9, 2014

Playing Valentine Tag & Bingo

I made this fabric tag
for a swap in our
Marie Antoinette Mail Art Group...
using very old
textiles, laces and trims.
The only element that is faux vintage
is the brass heart charm.
All pieces are hand-sewn.
Over at
we swapped altered vintage bingo cards
for Valentine's Day. 
I made this valentine
by lightly streaking the bingo card with gesso,
then layering a paper heart doily
and that sweet image.
I highlighted with liquid pearls
and created a head piece of
lace, pearls and a flower.
Two absolutely gorgeous lace trims
are layered to complete the piece.
It has a vintage seam binding hanger.
Here are some vintage image freebies for you
 to take and use
as we officially begin Valentine's week.

 Will return with more soon.
Have a wonderful week!



  1. Just beautiful. Brought memories of my Grandma!


  2. Your tags are beautiful, JoAnne! Have a lovely Valentine's Day!! xo Lorraine

  3. All of your Vintage Valentines here and in the previous post are beautiful. The velvet tag is making me swoon. Happy Hearts Bliss...

  4. JoAnne, Your tag art is lovely! The rich fabric and trims make this tiny piece of art a real treat. Very romantic!

  5. What gorgeous Valentine art!
    I have to tell you JoAnne your tart tin that you did for Kris made my heart go pitter pat. Lucky lady!!!
    Stunning in every way!
    hugs Lynn

  6. You are so prolific in your creations, each displaying your gifts of elegant beauty. Warmest blessings to you, Mina
