Saturday, November 9, 2013

New Swap: Winter Whites Ornament Exchange

A few years ago I participated in a blog swap
of elegant, white handmade ornaments.
That swap prompted me to purchase and display
yet one more Christmas tree
in my home...
this one dedicated to the
lovely handmade ornaments
received from my talented blogging friends.
 It's time to add some new creations
to my favorite
little white tree.
I hope the members of my flickr group
(open to US and Canadian friends)
will welcome a change from altered matchboxes
and join in this
special holiday swap.
Here's a little winter white inspiration...
these are ornaments
I love to display each and every year.
These beauties were made by

and these gorgeous creations by

Details available and sign-ups
now open in my
Maybe you'd like to
start a new
holiday tradition?


  1. i replied to your flickr post, yes!! These ornaments are delightful and so charming!!!

  2. These ornaments are so beautiful JoAnne! I'd love to see your beautiful home so full of love and creativity. Hugs to you, Mina

  3. You know I love me a wonderful swap. Count me in, I will head right over to Flicker and sign up there.

  4. Oh my goodness - these are all so pretty! what a lovely tree filled with awesome art. I wish that I could join, but there is no way unless I don't sleep for the next month!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog! xoxo

  5. Gorgeous ornaments! I just signed up on Flickr for this swap!
