Wednesday, October 23, 2013

7 More Days.....

I must admit to feeling a little sad when it gets this close.
Creating for the Halloween season
is just so much fun!
It's difficult to pack it all away for another year.
I hosted our 3rd annual
 Halloween Matchbox Swap
in my flickr group
and as usual am blown away
by the talented members.
If you want to partake in some
really creative and diverse
Halloween eye candy,
you can visit
This is the box I altered for my partner...
 and these are a few of the goodies I sent along with it.

We did an altered Altoids tin swap in the
Marie Antoinette Mail Art Group.
My contribution is this witchy winged Marie
riding in her Halloween coach.
I really do need to invest in a new camera
(or possibly photography lessons!)
as I'm always somewhat disappointed with the detail
I'm not capturing in these pieces.
Here are a couple of vintage postcards to
add to your Halloween image

In closing this post
I must give kudos to the
Mistress of Halloween,
for hosting
You've inspired us all
to embrace the season!


  1. BOO-tiful projects. Happy Halloween Haunting...

  2. Thank you!
    I miss it already..
    It seems to skip by so very quickly, every year faster and faster.

    Either way... We've got Christmas coming at us, with lots of fun stuff to create... And a whole year to get ready for Halloween again:)
    Thank you for everything!

  3. JoAnne,
    I have had much fun creating during this Halloween season. I really enjoyed the matchbox swap, my swap partner really spoiled me, great fun as usual.
    Enjoy your Halloween and thanks so much for being our hostess.

  4. Fabulous matchbox, just love it! Happy Haunted Humpday...on Friday! lol

  5. This month has flown past but this weekend are several wonderful HUGE parties. We can play and enjoy until our brooms will no longer carry us.

  6. Oh I just love what you did this year JoAnne. Everything is perfect. I even love the skeleton hand. Just now getting to my post about my swap over at my blog. Please come over later and check it out.

  7. Your matchbox and goodies are just amazing, my dear friend. And that Marie tin is exquisite! You are so gifted, JoAnne. Warmest hugs always, Mina
