Sunday, September 1, 2013

Halloween Matchbox Swap

Always the biggest....
Always the best...
Hope you'll join in the frightfully fantastic fun!
Sign-ups are now open in
my flickr swap group


  1. JoAnne,
    I signed up with Flicker.
    You know I love me some Halloween fun!

  2. Oh JoAnne, you ROCK the domino book artistry! This one is just gorgeous and woo-hoo, I have been watching for this matchbox swap to come out. I am on my way to sign up. Happy Haunted Humpday, my lovely friend. Mina

  3. oh, i wish i could! hopefully my craft room will be set up again in time for christmas swaps! Can't wait to see pics of what everyone creates!

  4. Yep this Halloween one is one of my favorite matchbox swaps for sure.
    I wanted to invite you to come and see my "Oh you beautiful doll matchbox" that I created for Mercedes, because I tried to upload my photos of it to the vintage dragonfly on flickr group and it is not working. I am not crazy about the new format on flickr. I liked it the way it was. I sure have been having trouble with it. Thanks for always hosting these swaps. Hugs my friend
