Sunday, July 28, 2013

Corky Charlottes

In the Marie Antoinette Mail Art Group
we are swapping
Corky Charlottes.
A corky Charlotte is a doll
whose body is a wine or champagne cork
and whose head is an antique
 German bisque doll head.
This is my doll for
And this is the beautiful little lady
I received from her.

Aren't they the sweetest?
These are so much fun to make
and I'm certain this won't
be my last!
Hope you're all having a
wonderful weekend!


  1. These dolls are adorable!
    Their clothes are so pretty....I love them
    What a great swap!

  2. AMazing! What a fab idea! You gals are extremely talented indeed. The dolls are gorgeous. ♥Debi

  3. i just love those dolls.. the laces and flowers are so beautiful.... can you give me a hint as to where i can get some of these charlotte heads?
    big ladybug hugs and thanks again for sharing your beautiful creations
    lynn l

  4. These Charlotte's are amazingly beautiful! Looks like a really great swap! Xo

  5. Oh JoAnne, these are both so beautiful. You ladies did such a wonderful job. Warmest hugs sweetie. Mina

  6. Very sweet little dolls. I adore how different elements are put together and result in fabulous. Blissful...

  7. beautiful! what a gorgeous swap!

  8. I LOVE these dolls. Do you sell them or know of someone who does?

  9. These are so cute JoAnne! I should have participated in that swap! Wahhhhhhhh!
