Thursday, March 28, 2013

Our Favorite Things Giveaway

We're kindred spirits aren't we...our fun-loving, alter anything, artsy tribe of bloggers.
Three years ago today, March 28, 2010,
I wrote my very first blog post.
Can't say I loved it from that very first post but it sure grew on me quickly!
It's been a wonderful ride..
sharing my creations...
loving your creations..
swapping art...
boundless inspiration...
and making some of the best friends I've ever known.
I used to think it was weird when I saw bloggers talk about close friendships
back in the early days.
Now I can't imagine my life without each of you in it.
That affinity we share for
vintage things...

flowers, flowers and more flowers...

and yards of yummy trims and laces.
Those are just a few of our favorite things of course.
There are trinkets and fabrics and art supplies galore
(that I simply didn't have the time to photograph!)
But that's what makes this giveaway,
Three Year Blogiversary Favorite Things Giveaway
such fun!
You won't know exactly what you'll win-
only that it will be a wonderful selection of
our favorite things,
wrapped in gratitude and love.
All you have to do to enter is leave a comment
and will pick a winner April 5th.
Good luck to all!


  1. Happy Blogiversary! I can't imagine life without my blog and the friends I've made, two,years is coming up,for me next month.

    Thanks for offering the draw, I guess I'm the first one to enter!

  2. Happy Bloggaversary ! This blogging world really is such a wonderful place full of very smart and talented ladies who inspire. I'm thankful also for the years that all of you have been part of my life. Please enter me into your Fab give-away ! Have a happy day ,
    xxooo Sue

  3. Happy Bloganiverary to you, Happy blog anniversary to you, happy blog annnnniiiivvvveerrrsary to you. Happy blog anniversity to you! (Of course sung by the mad hatter himself).

    I'm glad you joined to blogging world. I've enjoyed following your blog. I've learned from your creations and enjoyed your swaps.

    What a fabulous giveaway, please include me.

    Hope you have a wonderful Blog Anniversary and week!

    The Glitter Tart

  4. Congrats on 3 years! Happy Blogiversary, wishing you many more!

  5. I am glad you are a blogger:) We all would have far less inspiration without you.
    Surprises are fun~
    Happy Bloggaversary

  6. Well congratulations of course. But also thank you for three years of fun, fascinating and favorite blogs and projects and parties. Hope this blogaversary brings you all the wonderfulness you deserve. Oma Linda
    yes, please include me in your favorite things giveaway.

  7. HAPPY 3rd Blog Birthday!!!
    I so agree that blogging friends are REAL friends! How very sweet to have a giveaway to celebrate!
    Thank You!
    Happy Easter too!

  8. Congrats JoAnne! Thank you for 3 years of beauty and inspiration.
    Throw my name in the hat my friend, please!
    hugs, JOY, and a lovely today,

  9. congrats to you and I love looking and following your blog. im new to to the blog world and so far I love it!!!!
    these goodies are yummy, my fingers are crossed!!
    best regards, milissa

  10. Congratulations on your 3 year blogaversary! Where would we be without our blog sisters?

  11. Congratulations! I've been blogging for almost two years and I agree! It really grows on you. Count me in to your awesome giveaway!!!!!

  12. Happy Blog Birthday! So cool that you are having a giveaway!

  13. Happy Anniversary, I love your blog, and your swaps so much!

    Elaine Paullus

  14. Friendships in blogland are my favourite. It brings like minded souls together and thus brings much inspiration and smiles. Thankyou for your kindness in offering a wonderful bloggy giveaway. I have my fingers crossed x

  15. Congratulations dear JoAnne-
    I totally follow you on your feeling about blogging ,and am thankful too, for wonderful friends here in this land!
    I will love to be added to your wonderful giveaway, thnkyou :-)

  16. how fabulous to have been blogging for three years! I love seeing all the wonderfully crafty things you have created over the years..

  17. Dearest JoAnne! Happy Blogaversary to you sweet friend! What a heartfelt post...we all can only echo the sentiment and hold you ever so close in friendship. Thank you for the years of wonderful inspiring challenges that you have brought to my doorstep with your work!!!
    My hat is off to you and in your ring please!
    XOXO Karla

  18. Happy Blogiversary,JoAne and many more to come:)I always say Bloggers are the best.Happy Easter to you and yours.

  19. What gorgeous things. Have a happy blog anniversary!

  20. Congrats. Thank you for your beautiful words and photos - you are such an inspiration!


  21. Happy anniversity. I really enjoy your blog on a daily basis.

  22. Congrats, love ur blog & yr art!! Would love to win!!!

  23. wow congrats on your anniversary. i am always inspired when i visit.. and see your creativity. i would love to be entered into this giveaway. have a wonderful Easter and many blessings to you and yours.
    big ladybug hugs

  24. Congratulations on your 3 year Blogiversary. Thank you for always sharing your creativity with us. Happy Hearts are Creative Hearts...

  25. Happy blogiversary!!! Looking at your photos I can see we have the same likes of yummy fun goodies. Congrats. Becs

  26. Happy blog anniversary to you!
    Yup, blogging is amazing indeed!
    I would love to have you throw my name into the hat for your celebration giveaway.
    Have a great weekend.

  27. Congratulations, JoAnne, on reaching this milestone! The years do go by very quickly here in Blogland, especially when they are filled with friends and fun. I have enjoyed your blog from the very first visit; always full of beautiful creations, ideas and inspiration. Thank you!

  28. Happy Blogiversary, and thank you so much for offering such a fun giveaway! I just luv surprises :)

  29. Happy blog-iversary! What a fun giveaway. I'd love to win!

  30. A Very Happy Blogiversary to you! 3 years is quite a milestone. I love those little Charolotte did you ever find so many?

  31. Dear JoAnne congratulations on 3 years of dedicated blogging! Blogging can't not change our lives in a positive way. Blogging sisters are the greatest giving so much inspiration, support and love to each other.
    And it is so great to share here all the things that I love too like lace and fabrics etc.
    Wishing you another wonderful year of blogging ahead!
    Have a wonderful Easter dear JoAnne,

  32. Happy Blogiversary! how wonderful 3 years is. Happy Easter too!

  33. I always enjoy reading your posts JoAnne, and your swaps are delicious too! Happy Blogiversary to you!!! That's some special give away your offering, how very generous of you, and all my favorite things too :)Wishing you Much success in the coming years as well. Xo

  34. Oh MY! Please enter me in your favorite things give-away! What a sweet thing to do! Happy Blogiversary to youuuuuu!

  35. Hi JoAnne, Congratulations, what a beautiful giveaway! Have a wonderful week and I hope you had a Happy Easter. Hugs, Terri

  36. Happy Bloggaversary! And many more to come! Thanks for the fabulous giveaway. I love surprises! Peace!

  37. Happy Bloggaversary! And many more to come! Thanks for the fabulous giveaway. I love surprises! Peace!

  38. I love to visit your blog and congratulations on your blog Birthday..that is thrilling.
    susan s

  39. Happy blogiversary, and many more. I love your posts on facebook,too! Blogging is a pastime and a passion for many of like-minded ladies. Love it!

  40. Sniff sniff sniff....
    Happy Blogaversary JoAnne!!!!
    Hugs Lynn

  41. Happy, happy Blogoversary sweetie! I am so sorry I missed this wish on time and your giveaway, but I do want to let you know how grateful I am that you are blogging and have enriched my life so. Warmest hugs my dear friend. Mina
