Tuesday, January 29, 2013

White Inspiration

I recently hosted a
 Winter Whites Inspiration Matchbox Swap
 in my flickr group.
Create a frosty matchbox for your partner and fill it with lots of white inspiration.
I ended up with two partners as one of the group members asked to participate after the swap closed.
Lucky me.... double the lovely returns!
These are the boxes I created....
and I had such fun filling them with wonderful white confections...
glitter vials, bleached bottle brush trees, mother of pearl buttons, laces, florals, beads...
and the almost mandatory frozen charlottes!
Sandi created this beautiful box for me. So difficult to capture how truly beautiful it is in all it's sugared sweetness.
And all the wonderful whites and silvers inside....
I thought the feathers were an especially nice touch!
This is the box I received from Michele.
Stunning with it's flap closure, pearl feet and many embellishments.
Here's a top view...
just a glorious mix of textures!
And loaded with tons of inspiration
in frosty silvers, whites and ice blues.
There's nothing like swapping with blog friends!
If you can't get enough of whites, follow my link to
hosted by Becky at Timewashed.


  1. What beautiful inspiration for us all. Thanks so much for sharing these! Sue

  2. You are all so talented! I am amazed at the variety of ways different artists can interpret a project! And all are lovely! Your frozen Charlotte is making me think of my own Charlotte, freezing up in Boston right now! :) Linda

  3. What fantastic creations...I would be just thrilled with such a sweet box full of goodness!!

  4. Such a great idea! I have seen other swaps posted but not a matchbox swap! These women certainly were creative and how fun to make one for someone as well as receive it!

  5. I think this is such a fabulous idea, so much talent out here.

  6. Hi Joanne,
    your boxes are wonderful, and the things you put in ,all so special.
    Also the ones you recieved are wonderful, and each in it`s own way so special.
    A great swap for your all, dear.

  7. These are all so gorgeous!! So much talent!!
    Thank you for sharing such beauty with us.

    Happy Crafting

  8. That is just lovely! Im loving all those little lovely things!!! What a joy!


  9. I just posted my winter white boxes on my blog and uploaded to the flickr group. I sure love my box you sent me. Thanks again for letting me in on it late.

  10. ALL the boxes are wonderful. Only a swapper can get that amount of goodies in a matchbox ;)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog, your visits are always appreciated.

  11. So beautiful and I just love the winter white theme. xo

  12. Oh my goodness JoAnne your little boxes filled with so many beautiful flowers - gorgeous and so are the others especially the one from Michelle.
    Thank you sweetie for leavining a comment on my Dancing Fairies lacebook - I see another fan of Arthur Rackham - isn't his work truly ethereal! I received so much joy in creating this new lacebook for a client.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Hugs from windy here,

  13. Such a great idea.

    Please come and peek at my PINK.
    Your comment is always a joy to read.

  14. They are all so beautiful and I love the amazing goodies enclosed. This was such a fun swap.

  15. Really wish I would have found the time for this one! What a great swap! Have fun playing!
    hugs Lynn
