Sunday, December 9, 2012

Treasured Gifts From Afar

I've made some wonderful fiends via blogging and swapping and I realize it sounds so cliche to say handmade gifts are the best but as we all know here in our artsy blogisphere, handmade gifts really are the best! I recently won a giveaway from Marie of Lost Bird Studio. Her blog is a huge source of inspiration to me and I've long admired her beautiful creations.
I can't stop looking at all the gorgeous handmade ornaments and bits and baubles that Marie tucked into this beautifully altered matchbox. And yes, that is a feathered angel wing ornament.
I will cherish these heartfelt Christmas creations always Marie!

Kim of Tabitha Lenox has become a very good friend of mine. We've swapped in many groups over the years then became even closer through our blogs. I admire her artistic talent and appreciate her kind and thoughtful ways (not to mention her wicked sense of humor!) I LOVE this stunning altered vintage cabinet card ornament she made's so my style.
And the other accompanying gifts are too're the best Kim!

This is a long overdue online acknowledgement for this creepily wonderful altered doll that I won from Kim's Halloween giveaway.
I must confess I couldn't pack her away with the rest of the Halloween stuff. She's still displayed in my sunroom.

I met Linda through my flickr swap group and am so happy I did. She's a lovely person who I enjoy swapping with very much.
Thank you Linda for this beautiful Christmas matchbox. I love the style, the colors, the elements....every single thing about it!

Laurie of Indulge Your Shelf also swaps in my flickr group and her creations always bring a smile to my face.
She made me this adorable matchbox filled with Christmas goodies. Thank you Laurie!

Michele of Nook And Cranny gifted me with this festive altered Christmas stocking.
Michele is another swap group friend who I am so happy to have met. Thanks Michele!

My holidays are much happier because of treasured gifts from treasured friends.


  1. Pretty
    and more pretty matchboxes from your swaps!
    I hope you get to enjoy Christmas! Sounds like your job is demanding..

  2. Wow JoAnne what a lot of wonderful Christmas gifts from blogging friends.
    I love all the tiny embellishments has packed into that dear little matchbox. Enjoy!
    Thanks for your lovely comment about my paper dolls too - how sweet!
    x Suzy

  3. Woohps! I left Marie's name out of the embellishments! So sorry JoAnne!

  4. What beautiful little gifties!!! Have a wonderful christmas!!!

  5. So many lovely gifts and so very well deserved! We are all so thankful to have you in our lives. Thanks so much for being my friend and for 'getting' my sense of, not everyone does!

    Big HUgs!!

  6. I think you are so very lucky to have so many great friends.

    All your gifts are so beautiful and the ladies that created them are so very talented.

    Happy Holidays

  7. You are on a winning streak here! This must be your month to celebrate! Good for you.

  8. Beautiful gifts from generous bloggers. I knew the minute the pictures came up that the first ones were from Marie, She does such Beautiful things. Enjoy all your presents .
    Hugs Lynn
