Monday, November 26, 2012

Winter Whites

I'm sharing a few of the banner pieces I finished for our
Shabby Chic Christmas Garland Swap.
We each made 6 pieces that I will swap and assemble into garlands and return to each participant. We all used whites, neutrals, muted tones and victorian imagery.
I did a heavy gesso and glitter background and used images from one of my favorite Altered Artifacts collage sheets, applying a thinned gesso over the images. To finish, I added lace, shimmery tulle, white paper flowers, a touch of silver and faux vintage dangling baubles.
I'll show you a finished garland after I have them all assembled.
These pieces certainly got me in the mood for more winter whites so I'm pleased to announce the
Winter Whites Inspiration Matchbox Swap.
This will be a 1:1 partner swap in which you'll alter a large matchbox in a winter whites theme. Think snowflakes, soft wintry images, winter white flowers. Pack the inside with lots of winter white inspiration, using quality vintage and new items for your partner to make some winter white magic.....laces, millinery, pearls, beads, glitter. Use white, off white, cream, ecru, beige as the main color scheme inside and out. Touches of soft, warm, muted colors and bits of silver may also be used.
Sign-ups are open now in my flickr group. If you're not a member, membership directions are on the group page HERE.
And the good news is no holiday stress. The due date is January 30th, 2013!
I'm linking with Becky at Timewashed for Blissful Whites Wednesday.


  1. JoAnne,
    I would love to join in on this swap.
    I am so glad you like the stocking.
    Thanks for letting me know you received the garland pieces.
    Have a great week.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Your banner swap pieces are ethereal bliss. Joyful creating...

  4. JoAnne, your garland swap pieces look amazing!

  5. Oh what a beautiful garland JoAnne,
    so lovely and wintery.
    And the image used for your swap invitation, is so beautiful,too.

  6. beautiful banners, love the embellishments. i'll go sign up for the swap. too much fun to pass up on this one.

  7. Your garland turned out beautifully,JoAnne and the swap sounds wonderful.BWW.
    Have a wonderful rest of the week.

  8. Love this winter picture, so pretty.

    Blessings, Nellie

  9. Such a beautiful garland! I would like to join the matchbox swap - I'll go check it out.

  10. Oh JoAnne, your Shabby Chic Christmas Garland is stunning! One of these days I need to look into some of these extra touches you do to make your art so gorgeous. ;-)

    I am on my way to sign up for the winter swap. Yay! I hope you are having a beautiful holiday season, my lovely friend. Mina
