Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Marie!

Today is Marie Antoinette's birthday and we have been celebrating in style in the Marie Antoinette Mail Art Group. It's been quite the gala with special birthday themed swaps, contests and giveaways. Of course we had to have cake, and so many beautiful cake boxes were exchanged in this swap hosted by our lovely group member Marti. We all used the same template and the only requirement was to have Marie pictured somewhere in our creation. This is the box I made for my partner, Debi.
Lots of yummy layers of floral paper, seam binding, paper lace, vintage lace, tiny pink pearls and a braided trim.
I finished the top of the box with more of the lovely aqua seam binding, pink florals and a little silver heart locket holding a picture of the birthday girl herself.

You can't have cake without presents
so I sent along a vintage hanky, flowers, laces, an interesting brooch I found at an estate sale and a bottle of vintage beads and pearls.

This is the gorgeous cake box I received from Debi!
So beautifully done with mini pompom icing, vintage crocheted trim, the prettiest florals, cascading ribbon and Marie in the midst of it all.
I hope you'll enlarge the photo to truly appreciate the design and attention to detail, ever present in Debi's artwork.
These are the generous gifts that accompanied Debi's box....stunning jewelry pieces, charms, cabochons, laces and flowers.

The thing with cake is, you really need a cake topper when it comes to royal birthdays. This swap, hosted by Debi, I simply couldn't resist!

I was partnered with Lorraine and I know she loves pink so...
pretty in pink it is!
The base is one of those little plastic cake toppers and I just built off of that. It was such fun playing with all the various elements.

Lorraine so spoiled me with this cake topper...
Isn't this magnificent! The base is made of glass that Lorraine glittered. And that fabulous glittered Eiffel Tower surrounded by pink and white florals! This is another pic you need to enlarge to appreciate the detail.
This is one cake topper that's not staying in the cupboard!

Debi was our hostess for the Gala d'anniversaire de Marie and she did an amazing job arranging games, contests, giveaways, live chats, swaps......even making the fabulous prizes.

Lucky me! I was the winner of her gorgeous collaged wall hanging.
I do believe I enjoy celebrating Marie's birthday more than my own!
Merci Lorraine & Debi!
C'est merveilleux!


  1. Oh my goodness JoAnne, they are stunning! So beautiful and truly a cake worth of Marie Antoinette! xoxo

  2. JoAnn, all of your pieces are fabulous! I love the cake slice, and I'm so grateful that you participated in my very first swap that I hosted. Happy Birthday Marie! This has been so much fun. Have a great weekend. ~Marti

  3. Beautiful slices of divine cake to celebrate dear Marie. Blissful Creating...

  4. Dear Joann,
    Marie would have been ever so happy for your cake, it is a gorgeous piece of yummines- and so beautiful.
    Happy weekend dear.

  5. wow what wonderful creations, such wonderful cakes

  6. Beautiful post JoAnne, Happy Birthday Marie, I am so glad that you joined our group. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Terri

  7. All gorgeous pieces! Every one worth going back for more looks!

  8. all of you did beautiful pieces. love the layers on the cake.

  9. Hi JoAnne--Your cake box is beautiful, and I love my gorgeous cake topper from you!! What a fun month this has been! Happy Marie's Birthday! xo L.

  10. WOW you gals really know how to celebrate Marie's Birthday. What gorgeous pieces of cake and toppers. So many yummy treats. Fit for a Queen!
    hugs Lynn

  11. Oh my goodness, I love love the Marie Antionette stuff. Sometime we should do a matchbox swap in honor of her. I need to get in on some of that swapping in the next year. Just beautiful. Hugs to you

  12. WOW,JoAnne this really blows me away.GORGEOUS.
    Have a great week.

  13. WOW, gorgeous creations! A feast for the eyes! All of you did an awesome job!

