Saturday, October 20, 2012

We Played Halloween Tag!

My friend Kimberly always hosts the best swaps! She assembled the nicest tag books ever for her Halloween Tag Swap...
She made these beautiful witchy wood block tags for the front of our books. Each participant created 5 tags and we received a book of tags from 5 different artists.

If you missed my tags you can see them HERE. Thanks to all the artists for such wonderful tags, and a huge thank you to Kimberly for hosting yet another fabulous swap!


  1. Love the idea of the chain for the Tag book.I will use that for a group of My beloved :)tags.Wonderful art in your collection,enjoyed.Denise

  2. I Loved this swap. I received one of yours too. Mines set to post on Monday.
    Thanks for your sweet comments about my new Grand baby.
    Hugs Lynn

  3. What a wonderful collection of tags! Looks like a great swap.

  4. this was so much fun and i love the tag i received that you created...

  5. Hi JoAnne,
    This was a fun swap for me too, always so happy to have you join in!
    enJOY a lovely Sunday,

  6. They are all wonderful! I wish so badly I had more time for swaps. I enjoy them so much for so many reasons. Thank you for always putting a smile on my face. Have a beautiful weekend, my lovely friend. Mina

  7. That is such a sweet swap! :) So much creativity! :D


  8. It was a fabulous swap, and Kimberly is such a wonderful swap hostess. I received my tag book just hours before we left for France, and I did photograph it, but......... I didn't bring the external HDD where they are stored. Doh. So I won't be able to post the tag book I received for another week. They are all such fabulous tags though.

  9. How fun - all the tags look wonderful :)

  10. Dear Joanne,
    I agree,- dear Kimberly, alwayes pack the swap pieces so beautifully, and with an extra lovely gift-
    and your collection looks wonderful-and so gorgeous.
    Wish I had time for swaps!
