Saturday, October 13, 2012

I'm in Halloween Heaven!

Another Halloween swap complete, and what a swap in was! In my flickr group we celebrated our  second annual Halloween swap, spoiling each other with our spookiest confections. We each altered one large matchbox filling it with the smaller items and then included Halloween creations for out of the box. My partner, Susan, of Flutter Before You bestowed a wonderful array of Halloween treats upon me...
That wonderful winged witch with the pumpkin and broom is the top of a most amazing matchbox!
My treat bag included handmade tags, vintage buttons,
a domino pendant, Halloween ornies and other wickedly wonderful bits and baubles.

One of my new fav pieces of Halloween decor is Susan's altered bottle of Witch's Stew.
Knowing my love affair with crows, particularly those that wear hats, I was the lucky recipient of Mr. Crow.
I immediately knew how I wanted to display him. I recently picked up this wooden candlestick at a thrift shop (my big 79 cent purchase!). I wrapped a piece of vintage lace around it and stuck a Michael's craft pumpkin on top....a perfect perch for Mr. Crow!
Happy Halloween Hugs to Susan for being an awesome swap partner!
If you missed what I whipped up in my cauldron for her, you can see it HERE.
And if you'd like to see what other group members have bubbling in their cauldrons, visit our group HERE.


  1. Dear Joanne,
    so many spooky wonderful pieces you swapped- both your, and the ones you recieved.
    And love MR.craw on his candlestick!

  2. Loving all the sweet stuff yu got! You girls must have had tons of fun! :D


  3. Hi JoAnn, It looks like such a fun swap - sorry that I was out of town and missed the sign up deadline. Next time! Happy Sunday, Marti

  4. So many great Halloween stuff! What a wonderful swap. I love Halloween, even though it is not celebrated here in Germany so intense.

  5. Both you and your swap partner did great jobs, the matchboxes and all the goodies sent along with them are just fabulous.

  6. Oh I am so delighted that received your Halloween Treats! I had so much fun doing this swap JoAnne! The whole idea of filling altered matchboxes with spooky delights was just fantastic! Happy Halloween! Xo

  7. Super fun spooky swap. Happy Halloween Haunting and Lots of Treats...

  8. more wonderful Spooky creations to inspire you do these so well

  9. How wonderful, JoAnne! You received such amazing goodies.
