Friday, July 13, 2012

Where Bloggers Create Party, Won't You Stop In?

Welcome! Let me start by saying this is not one of those over the top, mind numbing, fantasy type studios.
Heck, it's not even a studio!!!! But welcome to my dining room/workspace that serves me quite well.
I had contemplated converting a spare bedroom into a studio but I opted for all the glorious natural light my dining room affords me..
from the doors that open to the deck and yard

to the large double side windows.

Muses are plentiful...
a display of swapped atcs

a little Kelly Rae Roberts

my "catch all" table of quirkiness

a vanity tray housing heartfelt gifts from blog friends, lavendar from my garden

and doll parts (which might seem odd to some, but certainly not this audience!)

and my ever changing feather tree of inspiration.

I realize it may be a bit boring for you to look atboxes..and bins

and piles of "stuff".

Here's a closer & hopefully more interesting peek...
baskets of fabrics

one of my flower stashes

inside one of my trims boxes

and some baubles, beads and tattered pearls (many thanks to those who actually do clean out at garage sales).

Lastly, I'd like to introduce you to my faithful assistant Dolly. She's ALWAYS there to test a fabric, unravel a trim or assist in rearranging supplies.
It's exhausting work but someone has to do it!

Thanks for visiting. Hope you enjoyed the tour!

Many, many thanks to Karen for hosting this amazing party!


  1. Hi JoAnne,
    I just adore ur a slacker and still organizing my things since moving. i just decided to leave MAMA and i just saw u joined. you will have a fabulous time in the group they are all amazing...hugs

  2. JoAnne, I really love your collection of embellishments. I'm so excited to seeing more of your creations in the future.
    Suzy at Weathered or Not

  3. BEAUTIFUL!!!! I think this is just gorgeous, What a stunning space! :)


  4. Thanks for sharing your space! I just love the basket/bowls filled with all the goodies~

  5. Oh it is fabulous, I want the bin of flowers and bling....Now, the doll parts, not so much LOL! You have a great space!


  6. Any space with the lovelies you have is a beautiful space!! I love your rhinestones and pearls especially...I have a special spot for pearls in my heart!
    Lovely photos!

  7. Just a wonderful space you have. I love all the little Charlet pieces you have...thanks for sharing..i'm in the tour sure to come see.

  8. Hay Joanne,

    Ohhh...what a very beautiful space..
    I love your old materials it looks amazing!

    Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

    Please take a look into my world if you like..

    Love from Marijke

  9. What a wonderful creative space, JoAnne! And what great treasures lying around there. I'm thrilled!

  10. Love your box of tattered jewelry! I'm visiting from Where Bloggers Create Party :) Hugs, Holly

  11. I have the same issue.....sharing my studio space with my living room...but it does the trick for me....and I love it.

    thanks for sharing your space with us today.....this is my first year joining up with the blog party....hope you'll swing by to visit !!

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  12. Hi JoAnne,
    I love all of your vintage collections! What a
    Beautiful space :)

  13. Oh, I wish my space was as neat and organized as yours! Thank you for showing us! I wish I had a furry little assistant, too!

  14. I love it...especially the comment about the dolls in the bowl. NOBODY in my area is "into" these kinds of things so when I do shows or put altered art or a random doll arm in my antiques booth people think I am some sort of freak. I am...a junk freak! Love your work. I especially am eyeballing those Halloween spools...

  15. Love your space! Prior ro my separation I only had my kitchen table to work at. I had to keep my supplies in the garage and haul them in, hurry and finish whatever I was working on then haul them back out before dinner. Your space is well organized and a big plus for being able to keep your goodies at hand. You've done an amazing job, love it!

  16. SO wonderful and just awesome to visit!

  17. Your creative space is beautiful and so bright and cheery! And we all need a studio assistant, don't we? Dolly is a cutie!

  18. your dining room makes for a beautiful creative haven! love all the light that shines in....airy...bright. Merci for sharing it with us! ;)

  19. Nice "helper" you have! Detailed I see she it! LOL
    I loved the tour of your creative room! I like seeing outside too! Lots of fun embellishments. Love your inspiration tree!!

  20. What a wonderful space :)


  21. Great use of your space and love the light! And I also have a kitty that loves to "help" - especially with ribbon!

  22. You have a great space that is out where you have easy access to all your supplies. Right in the heart of the house. We both do have a bowl of doll parts....but I am lovin your doll parts better than mine!

  23. I love your space and I love your assistant Dolly. Thanks so much for the tour and for visiting me today. I am a new follower.


  24. It's an absolute must to find the right place where the light is good. Your stashes look so interesting! Thank you for sharing with us all. ; )

  25. I love the name of your blog and seeing your pretty creative space. Makes me want to reorganise my workroom.

  26. I love your storage unit with your "piles of stuff" - it has great character. However, I think I love your assistant, Dolly, the BEST! She looks like she might be kind of a demanding supervisor. I have several 'supervisors' in my creative area, so I know how they love to press fabric or otherwise just direct operations. Quality Control!

    Thanks for the tour!

    Soggy Bottoms Baby Duds blog

  27. Oh, what a lovely space . . . Love the little trinkets everywhere - I'd have lots of fun creating in that space!! Thanks for sharing!

  28. Well hello Dolly - lol, she's lovely JoAnne - as is your amazing workspace, what a beautiful room full of amazing treasures - thanks for sharing x

  29. Well hello Dolly - lol, she's lovely JoAnne - as is your amazing workspace, what a beautiful room full of amazing treasures - thanks for sharing x

  30. It's a great space, JoAnne! I don't blame you for wanting the natural light. I have no window in my room. I just want to sit down on the floor and go through your trim and bauble baskets! Thanks for the tour!

  31. You have such fun stuff in your space!! I think it looks great in the dining room. We seldom use those spaces so why not put them to real use like you did!

    Happy creating in your pretty space!
    I am loving my new little space I created this year!

    bee blessed

  32. love love love the kitchen cabinet you're using (I think that's what it is, looks a bit 1930's ish with magazines where the plates would go. and you can't beat natural light. love what you've done with your dining room!

  33. What a lovely room, lots of great stuff and such a cute assistant!

  34. I love the boxes filled withe treasure - it makes me want to go through and see what I can find! Gorgeous room!

  35. I love your space...heck I have had my creative space in every room in this house...including a closet. I have embellishment your collection is amazing. Thank you for sharing....Best Wishes to you...Bobbie

  36. Hello Joanna,
    this place of yours ,is NOT boring, it is a home filled with lovely and beautiful creations, and corners with wonderful materials, and amazing collections. So beautiful to see, and so organised for you to work here as well as live and eat and.... here.
    Thankyou for showing ,dear.

  37. Hi JoAnne--
    What a lovely space to create in, and so many delicious things with which to create!! And so very well organized! I also have 2 upstairs rooms which I could convert into a craft room/studio, but like you, I prefer to be downstairs in the dining room, where it's light and airy and near the "nerve center" of the house. And cooler in the heat of summer. :) Thanks for the tour!
    xo Lorraine

  38. Oh JoAnne, I LOvE your creative space and am just pea green with that amazing lighting you have there as well as all of those play pretties.

    You are so organized. I decided to completely orgnaize and "clean up" my crafting area, got about 1/2 way through and joined another swap. Needless to say, I am in a mess again with back to back ones. Well, fun before neurosis, right? ;-) Dolly is gorgeous and looks like the best assistant a girl could ever want.

  39. You have done a fabulous job of converting your dining room. It is so filled with great goodies and treasures. And of course the best part is sweet Dolly. Hugs Laura

  40. You have a beautiful room! I love the way you display your flowers. Thank you for sharing!

  41. Enjoyed taking a tour through your creative space, thank you for sharing. Love all your treasures and your space is great!

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  42. Thank you for sharing your wonderful inspirational space. Everything a treasure to behold...

  43. What a great homey space, filled with creativeness.


  44. Love all your little bits of inspiration and gorgeous art work. Lovely inspiring space. Just perfect, with the lacy curtains too.
    Thanks for sharing

  45. Such a pretty work space, thank you for sharing.

  46. Wonderful place to be creative.

  47. A great space to create. love all the light and your trims are fabulous. thanks for the lovely tour and have a great day. Angela

  48. What a treat to see your creative space JoAnn! I love your beautiful cabinets, and the way you have displayed so many of your pretties!

  49. I think you have a lovely dining room/craft area and I would love that natural light myself! So glad to have found your blog through WBC and am now following you as well. You make the most beautiful things and I cannot wait to see what you do next!

    Thanks for sharing your space with all of us.

  50. Looks like a studio to me JoAnne!! I think it looks wonderful and the things you create in there are wonderful too. :) Than you so much for joining the party and letting us have a peak inside. :)
