Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Sweet Bunny & Nest of Eggs = Spring

Celebrating Spring is the theme for Kimberly's current atc swap. I was originally thinking birds and flowers but while scanning my images library, "somebunny" spoke to me.

Totally off topic.... My friend Paul has recently entered the world of blogging. Though not an artsy person per se, he is an eloquent wordsmith and knows more about cinema and celebrities than any person I know.
He has devoted his blog,
Pass the Popcorn Please,
(so far) to insightful and entertaining movie reviews. Please show him some blogger love and stop by to say hello!


  1. Oh, I LOVE those sweet little "bunnies", Joanne--no wonderful you were inspired!

    Best of luck to your cinematic friend and his new blog!


  2. Your friends blog name definitely makes me want to check it out!

  3. These are so nice, love them. You are so creative.

    Happiness to all.

  4. Sweet sweet bunnies! Will visit your friends blog today. Hope you have a great week! xo

  5. I love somebunny! How adorable. I am on my way to say hello to Paul.

  6. AWE Your some bunny ATC's just stold my heart. I really do hope I get one of yours!
    Hugs Lynn

  7. Hi JoAnne,
    Love your ATCs,
    they are just too sweet!
    enJOY a lovely day,
