Sunday, January 15, 2012

It's a Win-Win-Win Situation

What a fabulous start to 2012!
It began with a blog giveaway win from the uber-talented Terri of
Artful Affirmations.
Aren't these earrings lovely?
If you've never visited her blog, you simply must treat yourself. Terri's artwork is beautiful and she shares lots of fun tutorials and tons of inspiration!

Within hours of Terri's email I received another from a collaborative group I belong to, the Itty Bitty Book Club. An extra book was made to raffle and I was the lucky winner.
Here's a little peek....

But I said win-win-win, didn't I?

After all of this receiving I'd say it's time for me to give!
I would have loved to make each of you a domino book but sadly, that's just not possible.
I have to tell you though that I was thrilled when chose the winner.
She is one of the sweetest friends I've come to know in blogland.
Congratulations Mina!

Thanks to everyone who entered. I appreciate your kind words and support. And I promise to host another giveaway very soon.


  1. Congratulations Mina! What a nice way to start the New Year. Well deserved.


  2. Oh my goodness! JoAnne, I am doing the happy dance here. Thank you so much for having this beautiful giveaway. I am on my way to email you. What a wonderful thing to happen right now. Hugs to you!

  3. Oops, I got so excited I forgot to congratulate you on that lovely book.

  4. JoAnne, I think it's time you play the lottery! lol You are on a winning streak! All your gifts are so lovely - enjoy :)

  5. Congratulation to you and to Mina! Lovely, lovely wins!

  6. Thank you for a sweet game and congratulate Mina!

  7. You and Mina are two of a kind! Lucky, lucky winners! A very, very happy belated birthday to you too!

  8. Congratulation to you JoAnne and to Mina! Stunning pieces!

  9. Really nice wins for all. Congratulations everybody.

    Happiness to ALL !

  10. Congrats to lucky Mina!

    And congrats to you, too, Joanne! :) You certainly deserve some treats.

    By the way, I just added your blog button to the sidebar of my blog and also added you to my list of favorite blogs. :)

    Happy creating,

  11. Congratulations Mina! And Joanne - lovely start to the year..
