Saturday, January 28, 2012

Good Things Come In Small Packages

At least I hope my partner thinks so!
For the Valentine Swap in my flickr group, we went small, altering the 32 count size matchbox and creating 3 mini atc's that could fit inside.

I'll share my little valentine as soon as it arrives!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sharing Some Itty Bitty Valentine Love

I just finished making my pages for the Valentine edition in our Itty Bitty Book group. The books measure an itty bitty 2.75 x 3.50 inches.
I made pocket pages embellished with the most gorgeous vintage lace, sugared hearts, paper flowers, pearls and bling.
I originally started making tags using different images but decided this lovely victorian lady was the only image that fit.

Off to the post office I go.
Can't wait to show you the entire book!
I've linked this post with Paper Traders "All Things Lace" Challenge.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Wings & Pointy Hats NEVER Lose Their Charm!

I know, I know, they have been done to death over the last several years.
However when I sat down recently to create Valentine atcs for Kimberly's swap using these gorgeous vintage roses backgrounds, they screamed for vintage children with pointy hats and wings!

Embellished with tiny pearls

bits of bling

glitter and stickles

and of course, pretty pink hearts.

I hope my swap partners can find the charm in those pointy hats and wings!

For the first time ever I've linked to the always enjoyable
Pink Saturdays
hosted by Beverly.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

It's a Win-Win-Win Situation

What a fabulous start to 2012!
It began with a blog giveaway win from the uber-talented Terri of
Artful Affirmations.
Aren't these earrings lovely?
If you've never visited her blog, you simply must treat yourself. Terri's artwork is beautiful and she shares lots of fun tutorials and tons of inspiration!

Within hours of Terri's email I received another from a collaborative group I belong to, the Itty Bitty Book Club. An extra book was made to raffle and I was the lucky winner.
Here's a little peek....

But I said win-win-win, didn't I?

After all of this receiving I'd say it's time for me to give!
I would have loved to make each of you a domino book but sadly, that's just not possible.
I have to tell you though that I was thrilled when chose the winner.
She is one of the sweetest friends I've come to know in blogland.
Congratulations Mina!

Thanks to everyone who entered. I appreciate your kind words and support. And I promise to host another giveaway very soon.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy Birthday

to me!
I'm enjoying the day with my daughter but wanted to take a moment to share some of my favorite vintage birthday images with you.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

These Aren't Your Grandma's Matchboxes!

Visitors poking around the menagerie of keepsakes in my home are always drawn to my altered matchbox collections, though they aren't quite sure what they're looking at.
The transformations are incredible, as is the anticipation of what the next swap will bring.
Now that all the Secret Santa's are revealed, I can share some of the creations recently gifted in my flickr group's Christmas swap.

These are the boxes I made for Karla. We all swapped 2 boxes stuffed full of 25 little gifts to countdown to Christmas. I gave mine a snowflake base and tinsel hanger so they could double as ornaments once all the treasures were opened.

These two lovelies were made by Peace.

Karen went with a beautiful Christmas in Paris theme for her partner who loves all things French.

Lynn created this joyfully vintage box.

Christmas gorgeousness by Mercedes.

Karla came up with this very vintage beauty.

Deb put the lush into Christmas with this stunning double decker.

Signups are open for the Be My Valentine swap.
Stop by and check us out!