Friday, December 9, 2011

Snowy Images

In celebration of our first snowfall of the season (late this year for those of us in the Buffalo area!)....

If you too are an image junkie, hope you're doing Lisa Vollrath's
6th Annual Holiday Countdown and grabbing a free collage sheet every day.


  1. Beautiful images, thanks JoAnne!

  2. These are lovely! The last little girl looks a little creepy to me though.

  3. it sure WAS late, and I was looking forward to more actually! I woke up this morning expecting a winter wonderland but: not so much!
    Hope you're having a great December, xo natalea

  4. Hi there JoAnne, these are adorable. May we use these or not? Always looking for that vintage photo for my holiday cards and projects. We had snow today but not very much, boohoo.
    At least I got a handle on making some Christmas cards finally.
    Take care, Lesley

  5. These are so lovely. Oh yes, I am an image junkie! ;-) Thank you for the information. Hugs, my lovely friend.

  6. Ok joanne. I lovetheae images the young girls withthe snowman is just perfect! Do you kind if I use them? Becs

  7. No snow here yet! And this is the place that should have had some in September! LOL congrats girl and thanks for the collages! :)

