Monday, December 26, 2011

Be My Valentine Swap!

Signups are open now, right HERE, in my flickr group!


  1. Hi. I've never been in an art swap, if you can believe that. What does it entail??? Pretty please. I've been in a gift swap this past Haloween in a lovely forum that I'm in, but not an art swap. Since I am an artist this sounds like a good idea to me. Thanks.

    Happiness and Abundance to ALL !

  2. Oh my goodness! I am not missing this one, JoAnne. I am RUNNING to your Flikr sign up. ;-) Hugs, sweet friend.

  3. I can usually follow directions, honest! But I hit send too soon on the request to join your Flickr group and can't redo it. If you would please e-mail me, I will send all the info required? Thank you!
