Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I'm Back, and Just in Time for a Tutorial!

I've just returned from a wonderful vacation filled with warm ocean breezes, soothing sunshine, great shopping, and an all round fabulously fun and relaxing time with my daughter. We stayed oceanfront at Myrtle Beach and thoroughly enjoyed the area and all it had to offer.

And how sweet to return to a kinder and cooperative blogger! Before leaving I was unable to leave comments on all of your blogs but after a few quick visits already today, things seem to be working just fine.

And it's the first Tuesday (aka Tutorial Tuesday) in June and the lovely and talented Jan of
Paper Craft Pleasures
is sharing her Altered Bottle and Beeswax Seal Tutorial.

Step 1
Select a clear bottle and paint with Cowboy Glimmer Glaze. Let dry.

Step 2
Stamp image onto cardstock.

Step 3
Apply Clear Crackle to bottle and let dry.

Step 4
Add a pearl bead to a straight pin and insert into the center of the cork.

Step 5
Melt beeswax.

Step 6
Insert the top of the bottle into the melted beeswax.

A huge thanks to Jan for sharing this awesome tutorial! Do you have a fun summertime project you could show us how to make? It can be ANYTHING, really, ANYTHING at all! Let me know and I'll feature you as July's artist of the month.

Time for me to start all that vacation laundry......


  1. Welcome back and so glad you had a lovely vacation! Fabulous bottles! Jan is so talented!

  2. Welcome back,JoAnne!! Sounds like you had a wonderful time.
    Thanks for the tutorial.

  3. Love the bottles and happy to see you back.
    Hugs, Amy

  4. So glad you have a great vacation! You must be so relaxed :) Thanks for featuring my Altered Beeswax Bottle tutorial :)

  5. Welcome home! So glad you had a wonderful time with your daughter...

    Love this tutorial! I'll have to give this a try...

    Wishing you a wonderful night!


  6. Welcome back JoAnne, love Jan's tutorial, love your taste in crafters too!

  7. OMG JoAnna we have just arrived back from Myrtle Beach.... Just think we could have passed each other...

  8. Oh JoAnne, what a lovely vacation! I am pee green with envy. The sun and beach...mmmmm.

    I love this tutorial. You always have the most wonderful creations on your blog, whether they be made by you or another. Welcome home, sweet friend.

  9. What a fabulous tutorial ~ loved it!
