Saturday, May 21, 2011

Let the Swapping Begin!

The partners have been announced and the swapping will soon commence in my flickr Altered Matchbox Swap Group.
Our theme this time round is Treasures of the Sea. Using one of the small 32 count matchboxes, the challenge was to decorate a sea-themed box and either stuff it full of sea-themed goodies or create a vignette or shrine interior.I decoupaged layers of torn tissue paper in shades of blue and green for the base of the box, then added fibers, micro beads, glitter, a real starfish, glass baubles and a copper seahorse charm. The drawer pull is a vintage starfish button that I found at an estate sale.
I opted tor a vignette and designed the interior similarly adding some little seashells I collected on the beach in Key West.
I thought this was the perfect habitat for the removable teeny tiny mermaid doll I made. Like any respectable mermaid, she carries an iridescent sceptor and travels with her seahorse pal.
Treasures of the Sea is closed but a new swap will be announced on my blog sometime in June. Everyone in the US and Canada (sorry, purely economic) is welcome to join in on any swap. It's a great creative outlet, you're guaranteed to make new friends and you will collect some beautiful little pieces of art!
I'll be sure to share other members Treasures of the Sea creations in upcoming posts. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.....


  1. Lovely! Mine's upstairs in various stages of drying...trying really hard now not to chuck it and start over ;)

    Your partner is going to love this!

  2. So sweet matchboxes- dear-
    I would love to be in this swap, but my summertime don`t leave me time for other things, than my real shop-
    Have fun-

  3. Oh JoAnne, this is lovely. Love your mermaid and all the details and colours. Wish you were sending it to me...LOL
    These are fun swaps. Peeps dont' know what they are missing.
    Les ♥

  4. This matchbox is awesome! I love all the lovely layers and details. The mermaid is too cute!

  5. B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L...

    i love seeing all the
    matchbox swaps
    but, alas, i am never
    in time to sign up for one


  6. You are so sweet and I happen to love bossy nurses. ;-)

  7. Got mine all ready JoAnne - gonna be a fun swap!
