Tuesday, March 15, 2011

St. Patty's Day Pretty Image Freebie

I haven't been around much lately but you all have been in my thoughts. I started a new FULL-TIME job this week (haven't worked full-time in several years) and I returned to nursing (a profession I left a decade ago), so needless to say, I am EXHAUSTED!!!!!!
Hope to get a nice, long, artsy post going this weekend but in the meantime,,,,


  1. Wow! That's a big leap! No wonder you're tired...what a wonderful thing to do.

    Hoping you're feeling up to creating beautiful things again very soon...


  2. I was a nurse for 20 plus years, starting out as a candy striper when I was 13.
    We need good nurses Joanne but it just about destroyed my health...and you just don't have the time to give the care you want to give.
    Every nurse I know is involved in art some way...keep up your ART Joanne, it will keep you healthy.
    But I know why you are so tired.
    I'll say a little prayer for you each day as every nurse needs someone praying for them.
    THANK YOU FOR THE BEAUTIFUL IMAGE. It is so very stunning.
    Have A Sugar Sweet Day
    Simply Debbie

  3. Hi Joanne,
    Thank you for the beautiful image.
    I am sorry to hear that you are so tired. I haven't worked for 2 years and I can't imagine going back to work full time, especially as a nurse!
    Hoping you will have time for art and relaxation time.

  4. thank you for such a lovely image, hopefully you'll get into a routine soon and won't feel so tired, I've had to drop a day at work as it was too much.....but now I look after my grandson that day and I'm even more tired....lol

  5. I hear you! I have not worked in years and can't imagine going back fulltime! This is a wonderful image and so sweet of you to share! Take care and soak those feet!

  6. Congratulations (I think!) JoAnne on your new job! Hopefully, your energy levels will adjust soon and it won't be so exhausting.

    Thanks for sharing the beautiful image and take care x

  7. What a huge venture you have taken on. I work full time as well and I know if I had the opportunity to go part time it would be so difficult to return to full time.

    And nursing in itself is such demanding work. Long hours, hard work, wishing you could give more than you possibly can. On the other side it is also so rewarding to know you are helping others. I wish you the best and hope you receive what you wish for out of it.

  8. Congrats on the new job, hope it's going well for you! Hugs!

  9. I just found your blog. I myself have just started blogging, only been at it about a week. I love all the wonderful images on your blog. Just thought I would tell you how much I liked it. Thank you for sharing such beautiful vintage/ vintage style art.
