Friday, March 4, 2011

The One World One Heart Gods Have Smiled Upon Me

And I mean smiled upon me BIG TIME!!!! What a fabulous event,and this being my first year as a blogger, was the only time I participated. I met so many wonderful people, explored new and exciting art forms, overdosed on some amazing blog candy and genuinely had a great time connecting with people all over the world that I otherwise would never have had the opportunity to meet.
Now to be blessed with all these OWOH giveaway treasures just puts the entire experience over the top.

Opening this package took my breath away! This extraordinary pixie babe is created and sculpted by Rosanna, of
Rosanna's Art. The attention to detail is incredible. She is very, very special. If you appreciate doll artistry and fantasy art, you have to visit Rosanna. She's also very special.

I'm a huge fan of whimsy and was so happy to receive Elizabeth's email saying I won her moleskine journal.Elizabeth is a mixed media artist who specializes in animal portraiture. You can see more of her wonderfully whimsical creations at
Wind and Honey.

Jill, of Untie The Ribbons is the talented folk artist behind this mixed media shadowbox entitled Soul.I was drawn to it's unique and quirky look and it fits perfectly in my sunroom decor.

Fortunate enough to win another doll? Unbelievably yes! This was a mystery doll so it was with Christmas morning-like anticipation that I opened the package. I call her my haunting beauty though she really has no name. When you visit
Shauna Henry Original Art Dolls you can read the tale Shauna wove for her creation.

This heart makes me smile! This charming mixed media piece was made by Melissa, of Honey Girl Studio. If you're a fan of mixed media and digital art you are going to love her blog.

Another blog you'll adore is Kersten's Altered Gypsy. Her polymer clay shrine is simply stunning. Be sure to check out her altered books, 4x4's and postcard art. Her talents are extensive.

Deb, of Mosaic Magpie touched my heart with her sweet fabric heart.Deb's husband was critically ill in ICU most of February and she still managed to package and send my very pretty giveaway gift. I'm happy to say Deb's post yesterday reported her husband was home and on the mend.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each of these talented artists and wonderful people for sharing their OWOH creations with me. Each gift has a special place in my home offering me a daily reminder that blog friends are the best friends.

After my OWOH hangover wore off I visited my friend Jill's blog. Jill was celebrating her 1 year blogiversary at Bucks County Folk Art with a mystery envelope giveaway, and you guessed it. I won! An envelope full of papers, ephemera, stickers, lace and all kinds of assorted goodies.
Treat yourself to Jill's adorable Easter/Spring creations she just posted.

Believe me when I tell you I was one of those people who never won anything. I guess it was catch-up time-lol!


  1. OMG, Joanne, you won all of these fabulous creations!?!? Lucky girl!!!!!

    I won a fab painting. I have to post about it once I get through my Marie Event postings :)


  2. wow - you were lucking during OWOH! I'm so glad you like my doll :)


  3. WOW!!!!! LUCK BE A LADY TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!

  4. That's just crazy! And such beautiful and amazing gifts! Congrats!

  5. You are indeed very lucky to have won all of those giveaways. I was fortunate enough to win a couple of fabulous pieces of art myself during OWOH. It was so much fun traveling around the blogosphere and meeting new bloggers. Have a wonderful weekend.


  6. Wow! You really raked in the loot! How fun!
    I'm so glad your little journal arrived safe and ready to house your wonderful thoughts and secrets.

  7. Lucky lucky girl! Looks like you scored really great pieces!

  8. Oh Joanne, I am soooooooooooo happy for you. You really hit the jackpot both in winning and in the amazing beauty and quality of each item. Wow. I am nearly speechless. I think I'll go back and look at everything again. Congratulations, my sweet friend!

  9. Oh Joanne I understand where you are coming from I once posted that I didn't think of myself as lucky person But boy was I wrong ..the fates were look kindly at me too the won some lovely things during the owoh event and met lots of wonderful have some stunning peices of art... Hugs wendy

  10. You must have been born under a lucky star! So many pretties. I'm glad you won!

  11. When you win, you know how to do it! I am delighted that you won my heart giveaway. Thank you for mentioning me.

  12. omg, you really were blessed ... that doll is amazing ... so lovely! and the rest is just aw wonderful, lucky lucky you!

  13. Wow...great wins...I love that baby doll. Lots of great stuff going on.

  14. Hi Joanne,
    congratulations, lucky Lady!!
    These are all fabulous.Enjoy your treasures and have a wonderful weekend.

  15. Wow Joanne!!! I agree the prizes are just the icing on the cake as it's so rewarding in itself visiting all the lovely blogs - but my goodness, didn't you do well! Many congratulations xx

  16. Wow JoAnne you really did hit the jack pot. I love the fairy baby but all your gifts are gorgeous! Lucky you. Hugs, Linda

  17. You sure are lucky with all of the goodies you won Joanne. With all of that luck, you should go to Vegas!
    Glad you like the heart.

  18. Wow for what you received and what you have given! I loved the overdosing on blog candy! Those are some beautiful wins! One year also, so amazing how many of us are at that "One Year" of utter enjoyment! Love this thing we all share! Happy Weekend and thank you for today's visit!

  19. My goodness Joanne, .... you got such great things? Congratulations! I`m glad with you!

  20. Congrats to you Joanne ~ Blessings and wishes for you!

  21. Such beautiful artwork and that little baby fairy is so precious. I can imagine you are so happy you won !!
    Have a fantastic day.

  22. Hi Joanne!
    I'm so glad you liked the fairy and congrats on all of your jackpots!

